Happy Blog-aversary to me!
This has been quite a year! I have learned sooo much and I hope that I have taught you all a thing or two. Starting a blog was kind of a challenge for myself and a type of diary of my creations. It has turned into such a rewarding experience where I have met some really great people and learned tons of things along the way. I have posted 294 blog posts, I can't tell you how many followers or subscribers I have because I have a variety of ways to subscribe, email, facebook, blogger, feedburner, etc. Also this year I learned how to work my video camera and created 50 YouTube videos and now have over 1000 YouTube subscribers. That just amazes me! Thank you everyone for all your support. I had wanted to do more but I have also had so much going on in my own life too that sometime time wasn't on my side. My youngest son, Nick, bought a home and my oldest stepson, Keith, became a father. What a wonderful year it has been!
Since all of you have shared this past year with me I thought I would share with you too. Every day this week I will be doing a give away. P.S. I have some goodies in store for you!!! All you have to do is leave a comment each day in the comment box for that days post. The comment button is at the TOP of the post. Please leave your email address or a way for me to contact you so I can send you your goodies if you are a winner!!! Good Luck! I thought I would start out with some of my (and yours) favorite posts from this year. If you are new to my blog some of these may be new to you. They are in no particular order...just click on the title or picture to be brought to the post. Then click back to view the next one. Enjoy!
I'd love to hear what your favorite post is. Todays prize is 3 items that comes from the Make your own glimmer mist video!!! I will be sending a happy winner A Complete Ranger Pastel Perfect Pearl Set, 3 Ranger Mini Misters and 1 Darice Metal Bead Scoop that I use in the video. Be sure to leave a comment to win this great prize. I will be choosing the winner tomarrow. And then there will be a new prize offered then. :)
Some of my favorite Posts from the Past Year!
Quickly Clear Your Cutting Mat

To celebrate Contain Ya Crafts is offering
30% off the Scrap N Tote with coupon code CREATIONS1
and Get a free project tote with each Scrap N Easel
Congratulations on your Blog-aversary! I enjoy your blog and your You Tube videos! Hugs, Cindy
Congratulations! Your studio tour is fantastic! I love your beautiful room!!! Thanks for offering a fun giveaway!
jinglesells at gmail dot com
I was just on your blog yesterday looking around. love your work. Congrats on your blog anniversary.
going back to check out more of your posts thanks for sharing..
Happy blogaversary!! I am a long time follower. Love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win a great prize. I love making my own glimmer mist in the colors I want!
Nanapuddin at wildblue dot net
I check your sited every day and I have gotten some really good inspiration from you ..keep up the great work ... thanks Tracy.. tjgritts@hotmail.com
I check your blog almost daily to see what beauties you have created! Keep up the great work!
First, congrats on your blog-aversary!!! Good job entertaining us... and hopefully you as well... LOL... I am so glad for your past posts you included that tin tile coffee table, because not only is it my absolute favorite art piece of yours, it is also the post that introduced me to you! Someone sent me the link because they thought the table was gorgeous!!! Of course, I have to agree... it is a one-of-a-kind work of art!!!
Happy Blogaversary!!! I must have missed your studio post before because I would have remembered that! That is my dream space!!!
melissaallore at hotmail dot com
Congratulations! I found you through the Gingersnaps yahoo group and what a treasure trove you've posted! I love the inventory book the best!
Congratulations on your anniversary. I have to say it is too hard to pick my favorite post. I love the photos of your room, inventory binder, ribbon storage and.....
congrats. I love your blog. You feature some many great things.
Congrats on your blogoversary! I love your scraproom! I wish mine looked like that!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
Do I have to choose just ONE of my favorites??? You continually inspire and amaze me with all that you do! Out of the posts listed here I'd say the one showing your craft room is one of my favs because it shows how great a room can look with a few cabinets, drawers, wall space, etc. It's what many of us dream about!
lilypadsis at cox dot net
Wow! I just found your blog and now have you bookmarked. I can spend hours looking at your posts...so glad I found you. I really loved seeing how to make the glimmer mists. I see a trip to Michael's in my very near future:)
Oh my! I think I want to come and live at your house - no in your craft room. Wow, beautiful and your ribbon stash is great. Love your cabinets too. I'd love to win some free goodies. Thanks for the opportunity.
Happy Blog-aversary! I just came across your site for the first time today. Love it! Great projects, ideas and inspiration. I'm a subscriber now for sure!
Happy Blogaversary. Love your blog. I've used your tips. Thanks.
Congrats on your Blog-aversary! Your posts show that you are a passionate crafter.
Congrats on your Blog-aversary! To help you celebrate I just joined you blog via email! You have so many great posts to look at and learn from. I'm gonna enjoy my visits here!
Kavi Coulson
k a v i c o u l @
y a h o o . c o m
Happy blogoversary!!!! Congrats on the milestone, I absolutely LOVE coming to see your posts and wonderful creations :)
Christy - Just Cards
Congratulations on your blog anniversary Christie. You do some wonderful work that I can only envy :)
Trish D
lady.58 @ bigpond.com
Congratulations on reaching your first anniversary....personally I hope there are many more to come as I love your blog....always full of great ideas that have certainly inspired me....just one of my favs that helped me greatly was your inventory book...so often I have purchased duplicates without realizing it as my scraproom is very disorganized....after watching your video I immediately set out to make my own book and although it was a great deal of work as it forced me to organize my craft room, I am happy to say it is complete...no more duplications or searching for where something is as I have also catalogued the location of the item....thanks again...super job.... jmbody@shaw.ca
Congrats! I love using the pearls for making my own mist.
So many choices ~ I'd have to say Studio videos - love it and am so jealous. I shared with my sister, and she and her hubby borrowed some of your ideas. I'm way jealous - because now her room (which I've yet to see pics of because she's still "putting everything into place) is much bigger than my room. Congratulations you on your anniversary.
Happy Blog-aversary! I follow your blog regularly and I am amazed at your organization and your energy! I would love to have your space and your craft room! While I do use every organizational tip your share, i have used several. The one that was the most helpful was to organize my embossing alphabetically. That was time consuming but ended up being very worthwhile. Because i do not have the space you have my organization has to be different but -- for the most part -- it works for me! Thanks for offering prizes this week -- very kind of you!
Judy Jackson
judystamper at verizon dot com
Hi Christie -
Congratulations on your blog-anniversary. I've been following you for about a year now and I love all your posts. I love when you show us such wonderful creations and explain how you did them. I enjoy your videos so much I have become a subscriber also. But I don't have a favorite post. I have a favorite category of posts. I love all your posts and videos that pertain to organization. It could be because I am still trying to organize my studio or it could be a case of studio envy - LOL! Whichever it is (I think its a bit of both), please keep the posts and the videos coming. Oh and one last thing, thank you so much for always posting the current craft coupons. Although I subscribe to a lot of them, I sometimes forget to print them. And I know I can always go to your blog and find the most current one.
Elaine Allen
v e allen 6 at optonline dot net
Happy Blogaversary!! Love your work!!
Congrats on the milestone. We all enjoy looking at your posts. My favorite one of those you posted here is the box with the misters
bkatplay at gmail dot com
Barbara K
Christie, your tutorials have been so great. Your ideas are appreciated. Your "no glue dots" idea was amazing! Thank you for sharing!
Happy Anniversary! Looks like you have had a wonderful year. I'm new to cricut and your blog. Can't wait for the exciting things in the year to come. Sknichols@eiu.edu.
HI Christie - I've seen you grow over the past year and you've done such a great job. Your art, ideas, and videos continue to be entertaining and great learning experiences. Happy Blog-anniversary. judyjstamper@yahoo.com
Hi Christie
Congrats on your first blogoversary. I really love your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win this super blog candy.
You can reach me at caroricbreton at hotmail dot com
Have a nice week
Congratulations on your blogaversary! I was so excited the day I found your blog! I am always inspired by your creations and your organization! Thank you for all your fabulous tips and techniques and expscially for the inventory idea (my favorite). TFS
clworkman4 at gmail dot com
I've been following your blog for over a year and love all your inspirations. I also really love you organizational tips. I always need help in that department. :P
jschuler2000 at yahoo dot com
Congrats on your blog anniversary! I was just watching make your own glimmer mist videos last week. Thank you so much for giving us the chance to win!
Love how you organized all your ribbon. I don't have nearly as much as you do but thinking I should get what I have done now so I'll be able to add to my collection and keep it organized :-)
Jody :-)
aerynx at gmail dot com
Congratulations on your blog-iversary! Yours is one of the very first blogs I 'followed' when I ventured into the blogging world, and I am so glad I found it! I have to say, my very favorite post from today's offerings has to be your craft room tour - hands down. OMGeee! It is so amazing! Not only is it a beautiful room, beautifully decorated, but I love seeing all the various ways you store your supplies. Thank you for taking the time to share your love of all things 'crafty' with us! Looking forward to many more blog-iversaries with you! :o]
Creations by Christie has become my goto website to learn fun new techniques! Never a disappointment, time well spent. I try quite a few of your ideas, the best one - getting rid of popdots!!
I've been visiting your site for a long time. I love your quality work!
camaren at chartermi dot net
Congrats!!! I just love your videos.
Congratulations on your blog-aversary! I can't believe how well your site is doing after only one year! You are a very dedicated person! My favorite post is of your inventory book. Which brings me to this comment: you've got to be the MOST organized person ever! How do you find the time for your art, let alone your family & friends?!
Ack! Forgot my contact info: stefrick@optonline.net
So sweet of you to give away something to us!!! pick me okay???
Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I just found your blog, so I'm off to explore.
Congrat's on your blog-anversary! I've been following you for hmmm...about a year!
Congratulations you do such beautiful work
poochietoo at gmail
Happy Blogaversary!
Love your studio and OMG that table is to die for!!!
Thanks for the chance.
Congrats on your Blog Anniversary. You have given us many ideas and lots of inspiration. Thanks.
Virginia Montagna
HB! thanks for sharing or resharing your posts. Loved your smooch box and the ribbon storage idea.
puffinliz at yahoo dot com
Congrats, Christie!
Happy Bog-aversary!!!! Your craft room is definitely the envy of us all. So beautiful and organized!!!! Here's hoping your next year will be an even greater success!!!! Congrats!!!!
Congratulations Christi! I follow your blog through TheHive. To pick a favorite post is impossible, but I love your scrapbooking studio!
Debra Pate
I have learned so much from you, Christie. You are very good about sharing info and videos. Thanks so very much!!!
Congrats! I am very happy for you! Thanks for the givaways!
Congratulations on your blog. I always enjoy it. Thanks for the give-away. Would be wonderful to win something.
Congratulations Christie! It has been fun to watch you grow and explore new heights. I still remember the first day you showed your craft room to us. From your blog to your video's, I have learned much from you, so, Happy Blog-A-Versary and thank you so much for all you have given us!
Linda Marino
Congratulations and Happy Blogaversary!! It's really hard to pick one single favorite post, I love so many of them but I'd have to choose your gorgeous Coffee Table! Thank you for the chance to win and I hope to see many more years worth of posts from you!
Congratulations on your year. My favorite has been following you and Tim doing the 12 day christmas tags. Really enjoyed how you used the display at the end to display all the tags what a great idea.
Christy, Happy Blogaversary to you!! I have learned so much from you and I love your blog. Thanks so much for the great giveaway, I'm a follower and would love to be included. Shari (cricutrookie)
Christie, Congrats and best wishes! I enjoy your blog and videos. I dream someday I'll have a studio, yours is awesome! Thanks for sharing. Good luck to all and thanks for the chance to win. Hrshmari@aol.com
Dear Christie,
Happy Blog Aversary,you have given me the power to get back into scrapbooking I haven't scrapbooked since 2007 the year my daughter passed away then there was my sister in 2008 and brother in 2010 so it has been along time wanting to scrapbook again but with watching you tutorials and following your Blog you have given me the courage to scrap again and I truly thank you for that.
I'm a relitively new follower & lurker.
I really like all your posts I've read so far!
Here's to another great year, or two or three.......
and a CONTEST!!!!!!!!!
I have been following forever or longer. I keep flagging your vids and techniques.The first thing I flagged was one of your great designer level cards. I have so many saved for current and future inspiration. I also KNOW I will need more space for the near and fistance future
Thank you again for all your guidance and your fantastic ideas I forgot to leave my e-mail address for you colleenfoud@yahoo.com
Happy Blog Anniversary. I just love seeing your craft room! It is awesome and the ribbon storage is terrific. Thanks for sharing.
congratulations on your blog anniversary I follow your posts from cardmaking & I love your ribbon idea thanks for the chance of winning goodies
Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I would love to win some blog candyd. donnajeaneno@yahoo.com
First let me say congrats on being one year old. I was so happy when I found your blog and your UTube videos you have such wonderful ideas.
Thank you.
Happy Happy Blogaversary!!!!!!
Congratulations on your blog's Anniversary! Have enjoyed reading and learning from it.
congratulations on your Blog Anniversary, I check your blog often, and watch all your videos. You are very talented and creative. Your blog has been a real asset, thanks for sharing.
Christie, you amaze me. Will you please come over and organize my abyss? I wish that I was one tenth as organized as you. Barbara
Happy Blog Anniversary! I love your organization of your embossing folders. Very creative and easy. col_olear@pacbell.net
One of my favorite posts was a tour of your craftroom. It's given me loads of new ideas.
sebbyann @ gmail.com
Christie Congratulations on your Blogavesrary!! You are so very talented. My favorite of your top ten is the inventory book!!! My other favorite is your ribbon organization article. I aspire to be that organized!! I enjoy everything you do.
cjsteiger at aol dot com
Happy Blogaversary!!!! I CAN'T pick 1 Fave post!! I LOVE ALL your posts!! Your blog is soooo different from others, and you always give me sooo much inspiration!!! Thanks!!
reissfam10 at aol dot com
I've learned so much from you, I can't believe it's only been a year! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity & being such an inspiration!
Happy Blogaversary, Christie. My favorite post is the coffee table post. I have thought about your table many times in the last year, and would love to do something like that. I loved the way yours turned out. Just beautiful. Thanks for sharing the blog candy. I sure hope I win.
Sorry, I forgot to leave you my email address. It is cparks9998atgmail.com
Congrats!!! I love your studio and wish mine looked just like it. Maybe I need to come for a visit and stay and play in your studio!
One of my favorite projects you did was the embossed coffee table, I love how that turned out.
angel hugs
Wow, Congrats!! My favorite post and video is the coffe table you made for your son... great idea and very nice project.
Thank you
Claudia Smith
Congratulation!!!! What a wonderful year.....my favorite part was naming all those tags.....and then all your projects....and other creations....well I guess I really can't pick just one....b/c I enjoyed them all....thank you for always sharing with us....and for the giveaway....how fun is that.....oh and I can't forget about all those invitations too......
Wow, you are a busy blogger! I don't know how you find the time to do all the projects AND get them up on your blog! You can't spend much time sleeping.
Aloha, Kate
I love your blog post and your awesome projects...you've posted some of my favourites too.
deepabyss100 at hotmail dot com
Congrats on the blogversary! I think the post about your craft room is the one I love the most! I think you deserve an award just for creating that room. Always so neat and tidy and everything has a place! I love th one you did making the spindle to display the tags on. That was an awesome idea too!
Thanks for sharing
Vickie aka okienurse
Happy Blogversary!!! I love the never ending card, that is awesome! I"ll have to try that one of these days. Great Blog.
Shelly Lynn
Happy Blogoversary. That was fun taking a peak back at the past. I was surprised to see how many projects back that I recognized. I must have been a follower for a long time.
Smiles Sher
Congratulations Christie and Happy Blogoversary!! You put so much into your blog, it's no wonder it's so popular. Thank you for sharing so much with us all!!
I think my favourite posts have been all your organizational ideas. Amazing!
acelticangel at yahoo dot ca
Congratulations, Christie, on being 1 blog year old. You are a very organized, creative person so I'm not surprised you have such a great following.
One of my favorite posts has been the organizing of you cuttlebug folders. I don't have a Cricut machine but I have a KNK Groove-E so I was able to use the same format. I laminated my sheets once I was done too. That helps a lot for wear and tear
Congratulations Christie. You have come a long way in just one year. I do love your videos the best..Loz
Congratulations! I am new to this and find your work to be very inspirational! Thank you so much for sharing! Heres to another year of crafting!
I've thoroughly enjoyed watching your videos and you are SO organised, which is very inspirational for those of us that aren't! I remember making your one sheet of Tim Holtz paper photo storage folder for my cousin's 60th birthday, it was brilliant. Many congratulations on your blog anniversary.
Congrats on your blog anniversary.
I enjoyed your post on organizing the cuttlebug folders and also your inventory book. Thanks for sharing!
at verizon dot net
Congrats on your blogaversary! I love all of your many beautiful & original creations. Looking forward to many more! stampers7@sbcglobal.net
Happy Blogoversary. I love your studio. SOOO Jealous!!
Happy blogaversary, it is so hard to pick just one favorite,but I guess I would pick your glimmer mists and container but I love them all.
Christy, i have been following you almost from the beginning! I love your turorials and the projects you do. One of my favorites is the one making your own glimmer mists so this blog candy is exciting to me!!! Love to make some!! I live in the boonies - it is 90 miles to the closet craft store ie: Michael's, Hobby Lobby or fabric store!! I have to order online most of my supplies but what great opportunities there are out there - I just miss out on the great savings with the coupons you post!! Keep up the great work. Congratulations on one year!! Wahoo!!! treasurespastnpresent@live.com
I am always amazed at how you come up with all these great organization ideas. Your creations are so inspiring. Very happy that I came across your blog! Congrats on your accomplishments this year!
~Holly Thompson
I love your blog & all of your creative ideas!
Hi Christie, I just love your work and you are always so helpful in giving us those little tips that makes things easier for us. I would love to win son goodies and thank you for making it a possibility.
Congratulations on your year anniversary! Your studio is fantastic! what a great room!!! Thanks for offering the giveaway!
Carla at dollsandart@yahoo.com
Christie, congrats on your Blog-aversary! I enjoy your blog and I learn something new with every post I read.
Thanks for inspiring me!
Hugs, Dorly Weitzen
dormik at netvision dot net dot il
Congrats on the Blog-aversary. I love your blog,
you come up with everything. Your sprays for
perfect pearls was my favorite, thanks for all your talent and wonderful ideas.
I love your blog!! I have learned so many things and always look forward to what you think of next!!
Happy Anniversary. You are one of my favorite bloggers and I have learned so much from your videos. Keep 'em coming.
I really like everything you do and show us.
One of the first videos I saw was to organize the cuttlebug templates,and I love the one to organizer the spellbinders.
Thank you!!!
Congrats on your blog a versary! I check out your blog daily. Love your videos. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.
scrapbooknut67114 at gmail dot com
Oh wow, your studio is like no other, and your blog is so inspiring. Love all of your ideas. Congratulations on your blog-aversary. I don't know how you do it, and make so much beautiful art at the same time. You must work day and night! Thanks so much for sharing with all of us.
Happy blogaversary! I can't really pinpoint a fav post, but I'd say it was probably one with a tutorial. I really like those. Thanks!
pcrusberg at aol dot com
Thank you Christie for sharing your crafting knowledge with us. I enjoyed your video on making up glimmer mists as I would like to make my own too.
Betty NZ hineao@xtra.co.nz
Well done! Congratulations on your anniversary, and may you reach many more.
de.mamacrystal 74 at gmail.com
Congrats on your blog anniversary. You do such great videos/ideas it is hard to choose a favorite, but I love the shimmer mist make your own video and I actually broke down and got a bigkick so I could make the dimensional stickers/embellishments you made using fun foam :)
I appreciate all the work you do sharing with us. I think my favorite post was the cards for soldiers!
congrats on year 1!
thanks for all the sharing and inspiration
contact info is on my google profile
Love your sharing- you make beautiful projects! I love the idea of the ruler on the Cricut mat! And your ribbon storage.
congrats on your anniversary. My fav post.....why the pics of your awesome studio. So inspiring and gorgeous!
eiggam44 at yahoo dot com
Happy Blogaversary! I looove your videos & projects. i am so envious of that craft room!!!!
I enjoy reading your blog
OMG What an acomplishment!!! I enjoly reading your blog....Thank you for sharing your art with us....pennykitz@charter.net
I love your blog. I check it out all the time. Love your projects!
Congratulations on your Blogaversary!!! One year and so many things that you've shared with us. I so appreciate it! As a matter of fact, your room inspired me so much, when I moved, I'm doing my crafting room in a similar fashion. My cabinets arrive tomorrow and I'm very excited! And here you are....showing me what to do with my ribbon too. Thank you for making my days much more interesting with your e-mails. Paula at firstmatehook@yahoo.com
Happy Blog-aversary Crhstie! One of my favorite videos you have done is the one where you use fun foam behind diecut embellishments. Just loved how you were so excited and still discovering new ways to use the foam while filming.
sjhengen at gmail dot com
Congrats on your blog-aversary! I would love to make my own glimmer mists, thanks for the opportunity to win this great kit.
Happy, happy blogaversary to you! It's always fun to see what you have posted new.
Happy blogaversary! Your craftroom is my dream room, sort of my woman cave. As it is now the space on my desk keeps getting smaller while I keep getting wider LOL. Thank you for all the great ideas and instructions you've given me.
Christie, I cannot believe that you've only been blogging a year. You have some great ideas and I cannot believe how organized you are! Thanks for the past year and blessings for the coming year! teelayoung at hotmail dot com
Happy Happy Blog-aversary Christie! I loved all 10 of your fave posts, actually drooled on my keyboard when I saw your amazing craftroom . Coincidentally, I just watched your "make your own glimmer mists" video just last night and "found" your blog today. Nice to put a face with the voice. Made my first mist w/Black soot & pewter PP. Thank you for sharing your techniques with us. Dianne dkspinner@q.com
Happy Blog-aversary. Nice blog & nice craft room. Thanks for sharing.
Very happy Blog-aversary to you Christie! Now, it may sound silly, but my favorite post was the one making a little book out of a single piece of 12x12 double sided paper. I sent your site out to 2 of my crafty type groups who loved it also.
Thank you for the many instructions you have done for us.
You rock the house. I can't wait to learn from you. I'm such a novice and you are my inspiration. Love it!! - Eva Vaughan
how wonderful! congratulations. count me in!mama_wolfdog at yahoo dot com. xo
Your stuff is great and I love checking out your blog. TFS http://craftygirl21.blogspot.com/
Happy Blog-aversary Christie! I first discovered your wonderful blog while searching for ideas for my own craft room. Yours is not only spectacular, but also so well set up it allows you to create such mega projects like the many high heel shoe party favors, or the touching cards you sent to our soldiers, or the lovely party gifts of personalized note books for your many shower guests! You have come up with so many wonderful ideas and helpful techniques and hints, like your creative use of fun foam as dimensional adhesive for your cricut embellishments. It always makes me smile when during your videos you get excited about your project and say "this is so frick'in cute". Thank you for the past year of creative inspiration, may you share many more with all your blogger friends.
Congrats. I guess it is sort of silly to tell you now but you know my favorite is the 12 days of Christmas.
Congratulations on your anniversary and I want to say that I love your blog and I have seen your video on the Scrappin Tote before it was good then and it still is good. I'm glad I got to see it twice. I would love to win your Easel I have so many things I can use it for. 1. My own personal use. 2. Church Primary Lesson. 3. Workshop for my scrapbook friends. 4. For Women meeting. 5. Making my cards.
Thanks for that chance to win.
Donna Scrapp'n Nana
want to look, I would love you too.
Congrats on your anniversary and can I please let you know how much you have inspired and helped me in my journey to creating art. I love all your posts especially the mini album for the babies story. I watched all your YT vids and i now have a collection of my own glimmer type sprays. Thank you and please continue sharing all that you do wiht me and all the rest of your fans. God Bless!!!!!!
I have to also let you know that you have helped me in keeping my supplies more organized and in there place. I cant say it enough and I want you to know that I am a faithfull loyal follower. You never let me down and I always learn from you. Again, congrats and keep creating and sharing!
Happy Blogaversary. Love your blog and your videos.
craftymom205 at yahoo dot com
Happy Blogaversary. I want to know how you find the time to create (and SHARE) all of your neat projects. Do you sleep, clean, cook...?
Happy Blogaversary! Love you videos!
Congratulations on your anniversary. I check you blog out everyday.
Congratulations on your Blogaversary. You are so creative!
Happy 1 yr Blog-aversary! Thanks for the chance to win, I LUV your blog!
Hi Christie - love your album idea and love your blog giveaway, totally generous!
Hey Christie ~ I have loved watching your videos and reading you blog posts...I always find something useful in each one and forward them on to friends. Many congrats on your first year and look forward to lots more fun!
KayleeninKC at yahoo.com
Congrats on your blog anniversary. I have loved seeing your amazing creations and am awed by so many of them (well, really all of them LOL). Thanks for sharing your talents with the rest of us!
Your family tree albums are wonderful. I loved the poem. Your site is great. Thanks for chance to win. Linda in IN lynhead52@gmail.com
Wow what a lot of work - it looks wonderful. Also wonderful give-away.
And once again what a great blog!
My favorite video is the tour of your craft room. I'd love to duplicate it, but alas no room. Love all that you do!
claudiamatzke at hotmail dot com
Beautiful albums! I would love to win a scrap n easel because I don't have that kind of money to spend on one right now! It looks like a great product to have. Thanks for sharing!
congrats on your blgoaversary. i love the tour of your craft room. wish i had a space like that. i'm jealous.
Congratulations on your anniversary. I love your family history albums. That is what I am working on right now.
Congratulations on your Blogaversary! Been following you for almost the whole year as I found you at All Things Tim. Best wishes for the years to come. Looking forward to more "Creations"!
Lynn W
Christie, Happy Blogaversary! I really enjoy your work and your posts! I especially need your organizational posts lately! Thanks for the chance to win! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com
I enjoy your blog and visit quite often. Thanks for offering blog candy.
Happy Blogaversary.
Theresa in Kitimat
tfredric at citywest dot ca
Great give away to go with great albums! Love your videos.
Linda Adkins
Your insights couldn't have come to me at a more perfect time! I am just gathering photos to begin my first historical account of my family and I needed inspiration! Thanks for your video...such a personal way to help!
I love your blog! So many awesome ideas from you! Your videos are awesome!!!Congrats on your blogaversary!!!
I really enjoy all of your organization tips, and when I grow up I want to be just like you!! Your videos are very helpful, thanks so much. nlewis at dishmail dot com
Congratulations on your Blog-aversary! I enjoy your blog and your You Tube videos! Thanks so much for sharing your time and talent.
Christie: Thanks so much for the family tree video. I have been wanting to do one for my family. I do have a question, I'm not sure you can answer me. How did you get the fold out branches with the little pictures of everyone. Is it a program? the actual page, how did you put that together to pull out? Again thanks for the videos you do so well. Anita jstfrmnita@yahoo.com
WOW - what a studio! I'm envious of the space you're able to devote to your craft. You inspire me often. I'd love to win one of your prizes.
My email is lavienm@yahoo.com
I have been following you on FB & enjoyed your videos. It was really interesting watching how you set up your family tree scrapbooks. Where did you find the fold out page protectors? I was thinking of using the 12 by 12 scrapbooks as I use the 3 ring ones. Did you have any thoughts on that idea? Thanks for the chance to win goodies. I really love the Scrap n Easel! Bev E bepstein@sc.rr.com
Congrats on leaving such a wonderful legacy to your family. What a labor of love!! Thank you for sharing all that you do!
Congrats on your anniversary! I know you blog is one I check out more often! I love so many of your projects, it is so hard to just pick one, but your inventory book got me most inspired. Although I started mine quite a while ago, and it still sits here in peices, I know one day I will get it done!
starbright198484 at aol dot com
Your albums are so gorgeous, Christie! And I LOVE your ribbon storage solution. Thanks so much for the inspiration!
OMGoodness! I can't believe my eyes! You're actually giving away one of those Scrap N Easels? I have been drooling over those since the first time you introduced them! What an amazing prize! (wiping drool off computer keys) Whoever wins this has got to be the luckiest gal on the internet. Thanks so much for offering this amazing prize!
I hope I win! I hope I win! I hope I win!
Snoopy :D
Congrats on your blog-a-versary. I love all of your orginizational hints (I want to grow up to be jus like you..lol!) I am looking forward to reading your blog for many more years to come.
Your family books are terrific, you as so
organized. I enjoy your videos and love looking and dreaming about having a craft room even a little like yours. Take care, and thank you again for sharing your creativity.
Happy anniversary! I love your blog and your videos!
Cathy H
cathyhartle at gmail dot com
Your family tree album is just great good job.
Happy Blog-iversary! Great family tree organization... would LOVE to win the giveaway today!
Hi! Happy Blog-iversary! My favorite is how to quickly clear your Cricut mat - that has saved me SO much time! I love your blog - I subscribe and I look at it every single day!!!
Happy Aniversary!! Love your studio!
Congrats!!! Your work is so awesome!! TFS and the opportunity to win. Keep inspiring us!! Please!
Congrats on your anniversary. I check your blog every day. It is so professional I never guessed you had only been at it for a year. Please keep your unique ideas coming.
Happy Blog-a-versary! I love following your blog! Thanks for the opportunity to win the Scrap-n-easel! It looks like a great tool to have!
Happy Blogaversary, all of these are great, I love your craft space and the organization ideas you've shared are awesome. ~Diane
Wow, Christie! You continually amaze me. Everything you do is over the top awesome! Love, love, love your family albums. How cool that you have access to all those wonderful documents and photos. Thanks, again, for sharing your works of 'heart' with us! Doris
congrats on your blog-aversary, your family tree albums are a wonderful idea I really need to get started on something to record mine! Thanks for sharing your talents and thanks for the chance to win such great blog candy.
later tater,
Best wishes for a new year. I am so impressed with your family tree albums WOW! I have been a folowing your blog for awhile now I love all your ideas and your craft room. thanks for sharing with us and for a chance to win too.
I really enjoyed the video on the Family Tree Albums. Thank you for sharing.
Congrats on your big anniversary and thanks for sharing all your cool ideas and projects with us
Happy Blog-aversary! Here's to another year of creative inspiration!
Kris in Alaska
funamom at yahoo dot com
another great project. thanks for sharing
Congratulations on your Blog-aversary!!! Here is to many more years of sharing and creating. Thanks for the chance to win.
annadowdy at gmail dot com
Wow again like a I said on You tube...great job and thanks for giving me a few ideas on how to start my own.
My favorites are already there in your favorites!! The make your own shimmer mist, organizing cuttlebug folders (although I am totally jealous of you having the tags bags boxes and more cartridge since it was discontinued before I got a cricut). I really love all your tutorial posts and your tips on organization and stuff like that!! Oh I really like how you store your stickles with the magnets (or was it Velcro??) upside down!! I don't remember if tgat was it's own post or in your tour of your scrap room. :)
Happy Blog-aversary to you
cre8ncam at gmail dot com
Oh my, how organized are you! The ribbons are amazing! You're an inspiration-happy blogiversary!
Happy Blogversary!
Stephen- Aka Bearcrazyman
I bet you are having fun with this. I know I am enjoying it.
Happy Blogaversary!!! I truly enjoy your blog and have learned so much from you. Thank you.
Happy Blogaversary!! I just recently found your blog so I don't have a favorite post yet. Love what I have seen here though.
I love your blog, your tutorials and your wonderful attutide. I am amazed at the amount of wonderful work you churn out - you are amazing!
Sorry - here is my email address: caitysuescraps@gmail.com
Love your room! Happy Blog aversary! Thanks for the chance towin!
Congrats!! Love your blog, I visit often! Thanks for the chance to win.
Cindy R
Nice post. Thanks for sharing.
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