Welcome to my craft room! This is one of my favorite places to be. The dimensions of the room are 13' X 15'. My husband and I remodeled this room a few years ago. I love my new granite counter tops and custom made cabinets purchased at Home Depot, they are KraftMaid brand. I even have a mini fridge stocked with water bottles to keep me hydrated while I work, you can see it in the right hand corner under the window. I also love my big Wacom monitor and my LCD TV that when I am facing away from it reflects in the mirror across the room so I can still watch what's going on. Clever, huh? Since most of the walls were going to be covered with cabinets and windows I decided to add texture and interest by adding wallpaper to the ceiling. It is a textured wallpaper and we painted it white, it looks like a pressed tin ceiling. My handy father helped install the cabinets and the crown moulding and I made the curtains. Voila!
I have a great spot for my Cricut and printer on the wall to the right of my computer. I used velcro to attach all my cartridges to the wall behind my machine (they are in alphabetical order) The booklet and overlays are kept in the bottom narrow drawer right next to my computer. Everything is very handy.
To the right of the door I have a few shelves that I added after we designed the room I store all my paints on the shelves and I have drawers that I got at Container Store that I keep all my chipboard alphabet letter in. It makes it very easy to find just what I am looking for. The cabinet just to the left of this is a pull down ironing board (you can see this in a earlier blog post on altered clipboards). Underneath I keep a roll of papertowels for quick clean ups along with babywipes.
I have several cabinet that have pull out shelves this one has alot of my embellishments. I show 2 of the drawers below where I store brads, beads, gems, etc.
Another drawer...With my alcohal Inks.
And...Of course a GLITTER drawer!
This wall I have my Embroidery machine and Serger on the desks, when I am not using them I can store them under it. I keep my wood rubber stamp in view on the rounded shelves next to the mirror but I keep the clear mount ones in 3 ring binders.
I have all my Distress Inks on one side and all my other ink pads on another side. The drawer with the alcohal inks is right below the distress inks, so when I'm doing techinques with those items they are handy.
I store my stickles upside down by gluing a magnet to the bottom of the bottle and adhering a metal strip to the underside of my cabinet. Love my Stickles :)
Well that's all for now. Once I figure out how to do a video on blog I'll put that on to show more. I'm still new at this.
Click HERE to see the video post on my Craft Studio
Wow, Christie, you are a very lucky girl. Want to adopt me? Love those curtains, good job! And everything is so neatly stored. This gives me ideas for my own. TFS
What an incredible room! How do you ever manage to tear yourself away from it?! Thanks for posting the photos...I'm inspired!
Wow, Christie, you have a beautiful room! You want to come do mine next?...lol! Your blog looks great too. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
Not only a great room, but you are talented as well as I checked the rest of the blog.
TFS and can't wait to see some projects.
This is a dream come true! Do you think my husband will go for it? Great looking room and so-o-o organized! TFS Susan:)
Outstanding room!!!
Your room is like a dream...can't imagine you want for anything. The organization is fantastic...bet you don't have to spend much time trying to find things. Smiles...Carolyn
I love your room and I wish I had a room like that. Can you help me organize?!! LOL
OMG. I simply LOVE your room. I have bookmarked this page as I am planning a design for my new room. So well planned and a home for everything. I love how you have done the glitter bottles with magnets etc. You have made great use of all the space!
How did you color and label your inkpads?
OMG....what a great space to create!
Incredible craft space! I would want to play there all day.
Your room is absolutely amazing! I take that back, words can't even begin to describe. I love the organization of everything. I especially love your countertops. WOW! My husband is a carpenter and I can't get him to finish my room. Do you mind stating the measurements of your room? I love it all. TFS
Hi Christie. What a beautiful blog and I LOVE your craft area. Like you, I will be posting my first tutorial on my blog on how to make a spring wreath. Though I am not using a video, I hope it will be just as effective. I also have a Paris themed scrapbook/craft area that I will eventually be posting as well on my blog. Please feel free to visit and grab my button as well. Thanks Francine
This is so fabulous! You are a very blessed woman. I am a cake decorator by trade, but have been crafting other things forever. I would love a room like this. I am going to bookmark this for inspiration in my bakery. Thanks so much!
I love your craft room. I am hoping to convert our home office to my craft/sewing room this year and although my room is much smaller, I am going to be drawing from your room for ideas. Thank you for posting it.
Dear Christie - I have saved this page featuring your craft room, under the title of: THE MOTHER OF ALL CRAFT ROOMS!. You are definitely giving Martha Stewart a real run for her money! Love the organization - especially the Stickles trick. Happy for you.
That is UNBELIEVABLE!!! I am drooling over here!!
HOLY Mackerel! I'm totally in LOVE with your craft room. PLEASE help me with mine! I'm having troubles figuring out what I want to do. Where did you get all of your cabinetry? Can I come visit?!!! (and sleep in your craft room!) LOL! I want to know what it's like in 'craft heaven'! TFS!
Bello, precioso!! Saludos desde Puerto Rico.
WOW!!!! This is Great
WOW, What more is there to say?? I have always wanted a room for my sewing/scrapbook/cross-stitch/crochet stuff all in one place, now I have TONS of ideas!! Thanks so much!!
What a gorgeous room!! Where do you hide the fabric???
Thanks Christie, I had to wipe DROOL off of my monitor! GGG You are a woman after my heart.
Karen in Ohio
What a beautiful place to create! Gorgeous!!!
hugz, Pam
You know there's a treatment for this kind of neatness? Just kidding, I envy you for such a dreamstudio, you're a lucky girl, and full of great tips too, the magnet thing and the mirror, it makes the room even lighter and spacier, as it it needed it.
OMG! I Wanna Play
Oh my! AMAZING!!!!!! JUST what I need. I have my stuff spread over three rooms and I can never find anything. A super inspiration.
O.M.G. And my family thinks I have a ton of craft stuff?! I'm sooooo jealous. :)
Love it! Where did you get the little white drawered storage for embellishments (about the 6th picture down)? Curious minds want to know! cwkalina@aol.com
Oops! Guess it was the 10th picture down!
wow what a room you have and everything organized I have a large sewing room but it sure doesn't look like yours.
The most perfect work space I've ever seen. My space is very small and cramped. No wonder I'm green with envy.
I have seen a lot of sewing rooms, but I believe this one far exceeds anything I have ever seen. Everything in its place and "LABELED," which is wonderful and makes finding things easier.
Will show this to my husband and when we get moved, we will have an idea to go by.
Thanks for sharing your room.
Warm Hugs and God Bless
When was Martha Stewart there?
yours rooms is a drems
from PR
it shows you what can be done!! this is any woman's dream come true!! what an inspiration! thanks for sharing this!
Your wonderful room leaves me speachless!!!!
Can I adopt your father to help put up cabinets??
Can I assk how big this room is?
WOW! That's what I call organized AND beautiful! My sewing/craft room wants to grow up to be just like yours. LOL!
Your room is amazing!
WOW..this isin't a sewing/craft room...this is a store!! I have seen shops that have less!
You are one lucky Lady...I am envious!
Wow your room is beautiful! Thanks so much for posting pictures. Great organization.
Lisa, Wow!!!! This room is unbelieveable!!! I had know idea you were into so many different crafts, and that you were so talented. Hope when I need help with my quilting, you will be the person to help!!!
Oh my goodness. You'd never get me out of that room!!! I'm so jealous!
I must get a craft room like this...how long does it take, and where do i shop for the cabinets? Very beautiful.
I am curious as to what size your room is? Thanks,
This is gorgeous!!!!! What a dream room. You are soo lucky.
Awesome room...I ,love the white and black!
I was wondering if you had heard about the SURE-cuts-alot software... it will save you a ton of money on cartridges. You will need no cartridges!
Donna in TN
May 18,2010 6:00am
WOW, That is just a wonderful room. I have a pretty big room but nothing as gorgeous as yours. I just love it. Good for you enjoy
I love it. I have a dream and this is it.
Your ability to organize and sense of style are what make this room stunning!
WOW..that is a craft room!!
You wanna trade ?? LOL
I would feel like I was in heaven!
Do you ever mess it up??
I could just sit in there and stare for hours!
I am envious!!
Unbelievable! I was talking to my husband on the phone when I first saw your room and I just kept saying WOW over and over! LOL. So impressive and well thought out. Like Liz says, I think I would just sit and stare at it for hours!
Holy Kamoly! I am speechless...and that doesn't happen often to me! >^.^<
I just finished looking at your room. It is soooo organized. You have given me lots of ideas for my room. Thanks for posting.
I have been researching craft rooms for months (in anticipation of buying our new house, having moved out of state) and I have NEVER seen anything like this!!!!!!!! Your room is incredible!!!!!!! :)
I am so lucky to have stumbled upon your website (I think I saw one of your posts on the Cricut Message Board).
I would love to ask you more questions about your room. If it's not too much trouble, would you be willing to email me?
Thank you so much,
Oops! My email is partridgelu@yahoo.com
Christie, you have one gorgeous craft/sewing room! I see you like dress forms, too. :-) I became a follower lickety-split. Looking forward to seeing what else you have up your sleeve. :-)
If you want to check out my dress forms in my craft/sewing room, click on the link below...
WOW! Speechless in Cove,Arkansas.
I thought it was a giant modern kitchen when I looked at it at first...OMG What was the room before you turned into a craft room?
Green with envy, Ulla in Colorado.
I am SO scraplifting this! lol :)
thank you for sharing =D
Can you please fill me in where you purchased the cabnets from? Especially the ones with the shelves on the doors. My son's room is going to turn into my scrapbook room as soon as his sister moves out. he will be getting her much smaller room :) so that I can have his bigger room for scrappin in.
you might have already posted this info, so I will continue to search for the answer. But just in case I though that I would ask.
thanks. my email addy dnapiatt@juno.com
wow wow wow , this is soooooooooooo beautiful and thanks for the tip of the stickles bottles with the magnets what a great idea
greatings from thenetherlands
Now this is what I call a craft room. WOW! You are one amazing crafter and organiser. I just want to get in there and join you!!!!!! Wilma from Port Elizabeth, South Africa
OMG!!! now i am a deep shade of green. This is just FABULOUS!!! you truly a lucky lady. This is my dream space to craft in. TFS
wow...what a room..tha stickle idea is faboulous..You have many good storige ideas
Mirja from Finland
That is absolutely gorgeous.
Just beautiful! It must be a joy to create in this room!!
Great inspiration, I like the storing of the stickles, just perfect!
You are so lucky and I am so green!!!!! :-)
Hi christie x this is absolutely beautiful x well done you! x I am there crafting with you in spirit hun x Leigh x
What a gorgeous room!
One of the most gorgeous craft rooms I've ever seen! Even nicer than my kitchen! Ha! Love the black/brown/white. You are a very organized girl! I'm in the process of creating my classroom, and you've given me some great ideas! Thanks for posting such detailed photos!
Your studio is just stunning. You have a lot of stuff, but all is so well organized, so you still have a good idea, what you have :)I wouldn't think, it's possible ;)
Amazing! I had to Follow you based on this post alone!! Great post!
This is so fabulous I can hardly breathe. Could you share where you acquired the tall white glass door cabinets where you have your fabric stored. I too am a sewer, dollmaker as well as a scrapbooker, card maker and this is so nice and keeps fabric dust free. Thanks for sharing your lovely room.
You have a great scrapbook room. I want it!!!
i was goin to also say that your craft room is nicer than most people's kitchens... particulary mine... and i have a newer house... wow! so very oganized... beautiful!
Your craft room is a real work of art! So classy....my dream room!!!
What a great space!!! You did a beautiful job. I think I may have to borrow your Stickles idea. Love it.
great room you evidently put a lot of work and money into it...w/ all this effort when do you find time for any projects? and isn't granite a bit much! i think it would be great for sewing but so easily damaged by other stuff/gunk. i have a craft room set-up not so extravagant as yours but then im more interested in making crafts,cards,painting,collages,etc.
Beautiful Room!!! TFS!!! :-) Love how organized everything is :-)
saw your quilt...shades of brown? what may i ask is the pattern called? pinwheels or stars?? thank you
I want, I want, I want.
gorgeous...i am extremely envious of how neat and tidy it is...mine looks like a tornado went through it every time i do a project....thumbs up on how sparkly and clean....
Your craft room is so amazing!!
Wow! You are my Craft Room Idol! I love it...You gave me some great ideas for my room. I'm piecing mine together a little at a time. Thanks for the tour.
One of the best rooms i've seen!
Jeeeeez!!! OK...Fairy...stop scrapping/cardmaking and make a business out of doing people's scrap rooms! Can you EVEN imagine how much you can make doing that?! Your room is fantastic and like every one else...insanely jealous!! You are definately one lucky woman!!! Just insane!!! Good for you and Merry Christmas...cya over at PIT!!! xoxo Pam
Wow!! You don't have a craft room you have a store.It really looks great love the ceiling and the colors you really did a great job
OMG I love it!
This is an incredible display of utilization of space! Well done! Can you advise re the size of the room and the type of cabinetry used? Thanks so much for sharing your space. I imagine you spend LOTS Of time in this room.
Very impressive, great storage ideas. Thanks for sharing your creative space.
by far the best craft room I have ever seen! I like things to match and be organized, I love clean and simple looks to a room. not over crowded or a mess. This is simply perfect, great color choices and great use of space. I love it.. great job and good for you~ I wish I could have a room make over.. mine works for me.. but this is SO much nicer!
Your room is gorgeous. I am jealous of all your cool storage cabinets and drawers. :) I really like the storage idea for your Stickles!
Amazing! Love it!
Your room is phenominal! I love it!
Absolutely gorgeous! Love all the organization tips!
This is the BEST craft room I have EVER seen. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
Wow! Your craft room is nicer than my whole house haha
What a jaw-droppingly gorgeous space! Thanks so much for sharing your creative space in the Bella B Designs Inspire Me With YOUR Creative Space Link Party/Blog Hop! It has been such a great inspiration to have all the ideas!
I have another hop starting today at http://bellabdesigns.blogspot.com/2011/01/share-more-monday-show-me-your-favorite.html. It is on repurposed items! Hope you will join in!
OMG! I was only looking for ideas on how to organize my threads, now I have to remodel my entire craft room! AND start new hobbies...you do like...EVERYTHING!! Master crafstwoman, I bow to you!!!
I can only dream of having a room like this someday! Absolutely Amazing!
Wow! I am in awe of your organisation! Actually my knees are suffering a bit, from genuflecting in front of your amazing shrine to organised perfection!
Mercy, I do believe I have seen pictures of heaven...
You are one lucky woman!!
Speachless....still drooling..... :0)
Wow! happy creating!
This is amazing!! How big is your room? What a great design, did you design it yourself? Deb
May I take it that you have no children? I just LOVE your room, so jealous!!!!
I wondered about the height of these base cabinets. My desk is about 27" high and so I know this is the height I need to sit in a chair and work. All the base cabinets at Lowes seem to be about 34". So, I'm wondering about the height of yours since you obviously have seated work areas. Thanks.
I'm sorry, I forgot to include my email in the above post about cabinet height. It is mrsark87@sbcglobal.net
Just created a craftroom, after yrs of waiting & saving & was so excited about it, but seeing yours just took all the wind out of my sails. My room is smaller, with not as many cabinets, though we chose the same ones. I have a separate building to do my sewing in (I'm pretty messy when I create). Lucky for me my "former" linen closet is just outside the door & is now the paper closet. Overflow winds up in the guestroom closet. Loved the cabinets with the glass doors were they custom maid. Hope you don't mind my scraplifting your stickles idea--PURE GENIUS. I didn't notice how you store your ribbon. I keep mine on tension rods, between shelves. I also used the file cabinet drawers. Did you install undercabinet task lighting? Maybe you are not as old as I am & don't need it. You've done a wonderful job with your room & have inspired us all to be more organized. Thank-you for sharing with everyone.
Linda Simpson
Gulfport, MS
Amazin paradise on earth !!! What a great and spectacular craft room.... Just enjoy it !
Have a great Valentine weekend ;-)
Maria Elena.-
Love your room! Was thinking about using the same color scheme. What is your wall color?
This is the best one I have seen yet... you go girl!!! I didn't think one of those even existed in a home....lol
Your Craft room is so awesome, and organized. A
really great place to create. Thanks for sharing.
Now this is a craft room. This is what I have visions of my craft room looking like. Awesome
This is the post that got me hooked on your blog! This room is every crafter's dream, it inspired me to make one of my own but not nearly as nice! You are an inspiration just wish I lived closer to take classes from you!
I have finaly made the extra room downstairs my craft room and I used alot of your storage ideas to maximize my space. Thank you for all you do for the art and craft world. You are the Martha Stewart of alterd and mixed media art. I love all your creations and they inspire me more than you could know. Dont ever stop because I would be lost without my teacher and art mentor.
Great craftroom!! I was wondering were you got your magnets?
stars paper passion at gmail dot com
Christie this is incredible! I know how much planning goes into building a craft room and I can't imagine how long it took for you to figure it all out! You are extremely organized! Sigh and gush!! I am going to go out on a limb here and ask if you would please join Roomspiration: Craft Rooms Blog Hop. I would love for you to link this post to the party. http://blog.familybringsjoy.com/2011/09/21/dreams-do-come-true-my-craft-room/
WOW... If this is your craftroom... how looks like your kitchen??? :D
Your craftroom is amazing and I'm honestly absolutly envy you.
Kati from Germany
Good googa mooga! ... I just happened upon this blog when I typed 'craft studio's' into Google images. Once I saw the black granite worktops I was mesmerised! How on earth!! You are truly blessed Christie, please know this lol. Do you know how many woman want to run to your house and lock themselves inside your craft studio ... and trust me I will be at the front of the stampede lol. Seriously though, I hope you gave your hubby and pops a whopping big kiss for all their hard work .. and a massive pat on your own back for such clever ideas. Martha Stewart who? God bless you ... I will be keeping an eye on your blog from now on. What an inspiration! (just kiddin' Martha ... cringe, love your stuff too ... bet you cant beat Christie's Studio?) ..K-Anne, London England UK
Great room! What color black granite did you use? Thanks! bruciedealejo@gmail.com
Wow! Wow! and Wow! Thanks for sharing!
I am so super-jealous of your fabulous craft room! If I had a room like this, no one in my family would ever see me again! (okay, except for coffee and bathroom breaks!) :D
Lisa Glenn
you make my eyes blinks 100 times and more!
My husband installed cabinets in my craft room too. I love them but am overwhelmed on how to organize my stuff. I love your curtains! Did you have a pattern maker and number or larger picture you can share?
Thank you,
Paige (paigegathome@yahoo.com)
What can I add that hasn't been said? This room is unbelievably beautiful and you are so lucky to have it. I would be happy to have a desk to work on, much less an organized, stocked and fabulous room like this! Thanks for sharing it with us, even if it does make me have to work on my envy issues - LOL!
Great craft room, I can see you worked really hard designing and putting this room together so it is a pleasure to work in. I am so jealous!!
WOW! I hope to have this in about 6 months! Perfection!
WoW! This is an amazing room! So lucky!
I know I shouldn't covet thy neighbors house... But, I DO!! I DO!!
I am sooooo jealous!!!
OMG-I absolutely LOVE it! I have a room that is a multi purpose room-I work at home so it is my office, I craft (Paper crafting and sewing) and both my husband's and my computers are in here as well. It is unorganized and a MESS! How much did your remodel cost? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have this in my "room".
This has to be my favorite scraproom I've seen online!!I love the way it's layed out, all the storage, and the colors! You are one lucky girl!
I love it. I am green with envy! Hopefully some day I can have something similar.
I just saw your craftroom. AWESOME! I wish I was able to afford to do this to my room. But as for now I will just have to make due and go the bargin ben route. Thanks for the tips with the stickles, thats a cool idea. Idea here, idea there and I will get mine as organized as yours. I HOPE! LOL Anyway, AWESOME ROOM! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Christie - I fell in love with your craft room when you first remodeled. And NOW, I have my own (real) craft room - and immediately went back to find your pictures. I'm ready to build/buy - omg - I'm in trouble. I was wondering if you'd be willing to share the dimensions of your basic cabinets, etc, so I can let the HD guys know what it is I'm trying to do. I love love love your room. Mine won't be that great as soon, as it will take time, but I'm ready to get it started. Thanks, Cindy (casmiles@hotmail.com)
OMG... I love this room.. I love the feel of it... it is almost like a kitchen with no food... and all the little organization tips... I wish I had this room and all the stuff... one day it will happen.. :)
omg - ok i like everyone else, am in love with this room and the ideas of organization...You rock. I will be doing my room this year - and yours will be the base of my inspiration!!!
Hiya I could not sleep so I was touring craft rooms when I saw yours awesome looks better stocked then craft shops here in Scotland xxx
I like your style of writing. You break it down nicely. Very informative post. Keep up the good work.
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You should offer your services as professional organizer!!! I'm green with envy ;)
After reviewing this post, my wife says it is time to move into a house with a craft room like yours. Are you planning on moving soon? Houston based perhaps?
This is one of the most well thought out rooms, amazing design choices! I simply love it, how could anyone not be amazed...
OMG! I absolutely love this room! I had been trying to come up with a color for my scraproom because it was just a boring cream color. I scraplifted a similar luscious chocolate and painted two of the walls leaving the others cream. It is wonderful! I just want to eat my room everytime I enter it! Your room is gorgeous and thanks for the wonderful ideas! Your hubby is definitely a keeper!
Just love your craft room. The blog is awesome with full of digitizing creativity.
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