I made a video showing how easy it was to set it up and organize. I was dumb-struck at how awesome it is. I was imagining I was getting a binder but not one like this. It blows all other binders away. You will see what I'm talking about when you see the video (it's a catalog binder system) Heavy Duty! The 12 pages will hold 36 Cricut cartridges (Imagine cartriges fit perfect too)! It also holds the overlays & booklets. It also comes with a zipper pouch to hold all of your extra supplies like blades, deep cut housing, gel pen kits, mat scrapers, etc). Marlo must have had me in mind when she created the clear tabs that match the pages so that you can label each page with what it contains. So far I have labeled mine with "Fonts" "Shapes" "Christmas" "Lite" "Disney". Well, enough chatty, chatty and on with the video... Oh and when you are done watching it and you find you can't live without one. I have a 10% off coupon code for you :) Go to Scrap 'N Tote to get yours today and enter coupon code IHEARTSCRAP'NTOTE P.S. it also comes in green
Scrap N Tote
Posted by
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I'm So Excited!!! Yesterday I got my Pink Scrap 'N Tote!!!
I just love it! I pimped it out with my own cover and everything!
To recieve 10% off your Scrap 'n Tote enter coupon code: IHEARTSCRAP'NTOTE
This looks gorgeous! I love this product too :o)
OH this is SOOOO going on my Christmas Wish List!!
I JUST GOT MINE TODAY! Where do the plastic overlays go - did you put them in with the books?
I was wondering the same thing as Carole
I put my plastic overlays inside the booklets before putting them in the sleeve of the Scrap N Tote. Sorry I should have mentioned that. I just keep them inside each booklet that way they don't get mixed up and since they are floppy they stay nice and flat in the booklets. :)
It looks like if you fill this to capacity with the 12 pages you are going to have a hard time flipping the pages to find the book/ cartridge you want. Just from the 6 you have already put in in the video. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't have that many cartridges anyway.LOL
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