I am proud to be a part of this years 9/11 Blog Hop. In remembrance of 9/11 we are honoring the military and all those that serve our country.
Our blog hop sponsor is http://www.craft-e-corner.com/ has generously donated a A-Z Cricut DVD to one lucky hopper and 10 % off to ALL hoppers. Just enter discount code CRAFTHOP discount expires October 15, 2010. I am also donating a prize to one of you. All you have to do is become a follower & leave a comment on this post. I am giving away, to one lucky winner, a Tim Holtz 342 piece grunge board mixed mini set filled with letters, wings, keys, crowns, flourishes and more. I love this set! I am also giving away my favorite color of Distress embossing powder, Vintage Photo. And that's not all...you get 2 brushed silver metal frames, 5 family word stick pins, 8 vintage key holes and a set of 52 antique silver alphabet brads!!! Remember all you have to do is become a follower and leave a comment. (The comment tab is at the top of the post). Good luck and have fun!!!
After a trip to Maryland & D.C. visiting my sister and her family, I had a million pictures to scrapbook. I decided to keep the majority of them in the original 4" X 6" format to limit cropping and speed my scrapping. These layouts are from a very memorial and moving visit to the War Memorials.
I was so moved by all that I saw that I wanted to do something for our soldiers so I started making cards, they use these cards to keep in touch with their family and friends. The project is called Operation Write Home. You can learn more about it by watching this great video by Operation Write Home. http://operationwritehome.org/
I hope you've enjoyed my project. Now it is time to hop on to the next blog on your list...
I have a brother serving in the Air Force right now and he's in Afghanistan. Thanks for showing the great support for the military!
Awsome to show this support to our military.
What wonderful layouts. Thank you for showing support for the military!!
Thank You so much for showing our military men and women such support. They SO deserve it for all they do for us.
Very beautiful. I would like to share a project I stich for here http://omascrafts.com/photo_2.html
Thanks for sharing your awesome pages! And for doing the blog hop! This is my first, but looking forward to checking them all out and learning something new!
Thanks again,
As usual, I love your blog, and you have given me some great ideas what to do with the pictures I took last weekend. Our youngest son is being shipped out to Afghanistan at the end of the month. He got to come home for 10 days, and the Patriotic Riders gave him a wonderful send off. The ceremony was held just for him, and there were so many tears from the 14 family members in attendance as well as several friends. They held a lovely luncheon for him afterward. I look forward to working on these layouts, but I know many more tears are sure to come while I am doing them. Thanks for sharing your inspiring layouts!
I have been a fan of your blog for some time and am now a follower! This is my first blog hop! I am super excited to check out all the blogs! Thank you for the glorious pictures of the war memorials in DC. I took my youngest daughter to DC two years ago (she was 16 at the time), it was an incredible experience to share with her!
People ask do you remember where you were when 911 happened? I was watching the tv coverage and as were others in a hospital waiting room. I had to go into the MRI for 1 hr and when I was done I refused to get off the stretcher. I told them I NEEDED to know right now if I was ok. Oddly enough the radiologist came to the room and read my MRI right infront of me and showed me the actual results. 2 yrs after my 10 hr surgery and 10 yrs after my battle begun, my brain tumour was completely gone with no regrowth. I was elated yet when I left the MRI suite I was bombarded with the news and imagines of the twin towers. I called family in the States to make sure they were ok. My neice who is older than me was trying to get across the border to Canada with her kids but everything was shut down. Oddly enough, i could not face anyone that morning. I went to a park along the Thames River and sat on a picnic bench under a canopy of trees for several hrs completely shocked. How could I feel so elated when the world was in chaos. It was like I was having a case of surviours guilt....it was such a stunningly beautiful late summer day.
My heart goes out to all the families and friends of those who died on 9/11 and to all the soldiers, US and Canadian who've died and are still fighting for us.
Although I don't know the name of the nurse that was attempting rescue at ground zero and died from falling debries.I will not forget my fellow nurse's bravery.
Hi Christie, Thank you for sharing your work with all of us. I have never been a part of a blog hop before I am looking forward to it and learning from so many talented people . Thanks for the opportunity.Let us all remember 911 victims.
On 9/11/2001 we looked at the security of our nation through different eyes. As United States of America citizens, we were once again united as One Nation under God. We owe our security to the many brave men and women who have not onlly risked their lives but laid down their lives for us! May we always continue to support our military men and women!
You have made some very beautiful and moving layouts Christie. Even though I wasn't affected by 9/11 I remember sitting up all night with hubby watching it all unfold in tears. Thank you.
Beautiful layouts!
Great LOs! Okay, now this is my favorite blog! I participate in OWH challenges and love making cards for our heros! TFS
My dear friend lost her only child on 9/11. She raised Craig as a single mother and had followed him from CA to the East Coast when he landed his dream job at the Trade Center. For Craig, for Lauri, for every person in this wonderful United States who was impacted by 9/11 - GOOOOOOOOO military!
Your layouts are very impressive! This is a great way to conitnue remembering 9/11.
I missed last year's event. So glad I found your blog - lots of great inspiration. I'll be "hopping" thru the other blogs on this day of remembrance.
Lynn W
Remembering all those who lost and all those who serve to protect our freedom.
wow very inspirational...nice paper contrasts and nice job on operation write home
Wonderful blog! I enjoy the video tutorials since I am usually on the go with my computer.
Very nice tribute to our military.
Love your blog! Love that you have a tribute to the military. My husband is retired from the Marine Corps and my dad is retired from the Air Force. We are big supporters of the military and their families!
I have just become a follower but I often read things or watch videos here I love your work.
Your tribute to the forces is beautiful,I pray for all those who lost their lives & the families left behind.
Thank you for sharing your creativity, your passion, and your life!
Your layouts are beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to share them with us, and to "HOP"!
WOW you did a great job :D
Hugs Anja
What an excellent way to remember, and commemorate this tragic day. I particularly liked your picture in front of the wall. Thank you also for posting the video on Operation Write Home. TFS.
Christie- Thank you for sharing all those photos. Lovely layouts.
I remember the first time I saw the Vietnam Memorial. It took my breath away, and then the tears came. The same thing happened to me at the American cemetery in The Netherlands. All those lives lost in WWII honored in such a beautiful way.
Recently found your blog and have been following you regularly. LOVE IT!
Great layouts. Thanks for the ideas. I still need to scrapbook my daughter's trip to Washington DC.
Thank you for all your wonderful ideas. You do a great job!
fabulous layouts!!
I have been following your blog for a while now, love it, and your great videos.
This is a fab post and tribute, thank you.
I am already a follower of your terrific blog. Your creativity and organizational skills astound me.
I appreciate this blog hop in honor of 9/11 and our military. My son is in the Army & has been deployed to Iraq/Afghanistan 3 times. My grandson is in the USAF, currently in Afghanistan & had deployed twice prior to this deployment.
What a wonderful way to remember the heroe's of 9/11 and of our military. Thank you. Great layouts!!
On 9/11 I was a junior in highschool in my medical class so I could become a nurse. I will never forget the moment they turned the tvs on. My husband is in the Navy and has been for the last 9 years. I am so proud of him and all the other military for doing what they do to protect us.
tkarstens0812 at yahoo dot com
Very moving layouts. You can tell you put your heart in them.
Your layouts are fantastic! The Vietnam Veterans page is gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing! I'm proud to say that I am now a follower!
Awesome layouts. Love the names OVER the pics!!
Hi christie,
Great post as usual.
Remembering our Heroes is something we need to do more than just Memorial Day. Military and firefighters,police and EMS all put themselves on the line.
Great layouts and tips
Pat from SC
Beautiful layouts!
Beautiful layouts Christie - I follow your blog already. I also am a faithful sender of cards to the troops thru our scrapbook/card making group and have a nephew in Afghanistan. We need to support them all every day of the year - you are doing a wonderful job dear. And btw, congrats on the Grandma title - from a Great Grandma!
Sophisticated layouts. It looks like you put in so much time. Everything looks so clean. The video was amazing it made me teary.
Great job on the LO's. Very touching. I can't wait to continue on the blog hop. Thanks
Very nice layouts. They are very special. Thank you!
Wow! Those are awesome LO's. How moving that experience must have been for you and your family. My brother is in the Air Force and served in Iraq, so I love this blog hop!
This is an awsome thing to do on 9/11. You have some really nice layouts here. I also became a follower. Thanks for the inspiration
These are awesomee. Our church group has been making cards for the troops and now these layouts havee given me an idea. We have a veteran's memorial park here too and I think I wanna go take some pics and make a LO. Greast job.
Thanks for the info on Operation Write Home! You have some beautiful layouts!
Wonderful tribute to our service men & women.. they give so much for our freedoms!
This is my first blog hop and you are my first blog... so fun ...Thanks! :o)
Thanks for showing support for our military. Love your blog as always. Keep up the amazing work!
Great layouts! I use 4x6 a lot also!
The layouts looked beautiful! What a great giveaway!
What a wonderful Day to commemorate a fateful day and reaffirm the necessity of the brave actions of our troops.
Thank you
great layouts!! and thanks for sharing the information about OWH, it is a great way to support our troops. Have a great weekend!
This is a wonderful opportunity to honor our service men and women. Your layouts and cards are wonderful.
Love BLOG HOPS!!! I also love the themed layouts. My husband is in the Marine Corps and these have given me some great ideas for a couple of layouts I've been working on.
I love your blog-always happy to see a new post! Thanks!
Thank you for everything I have been reading the post of others and it brings tears to your eyes to read them and when you remember where you were on that day you never will forget the fear that you felt
What great work. I love your layouts. The reflection picture is so creative and I just love the idea. Thanks for posting in this hop and for offering a giveaway. I started following your blog today!
all the best,
megcol at gmail dot com
love your blog!
As always your work is amazing. Thank you. Also thanx for the chance to hop I needed the exercise.
What a great tribute!
love the lo. great job. thanks for sharing
Very inspiring ideas. TFS!
thank you for sharing
aecopenhaver at gmail dot com
Christie, although I read your blog regularly, I just figured out how to follow it! I have a blogger account, but no blog yet...I'm too intimidated...lol...one of these days I'll sit down and figure it out!
Your layouts are wonderful. A trip to D.C. has been on my traveling wish list for a long time, but I haven't made it there, yet. Your photos make me want to visit that much more.
Please remember to keep all of our Public Safety Services personnel (EMS, Firefighters and Police) in your thoughts and prayers also. They truly gave SO much on 9/11 and the months that followed. And for everyone who has someone serving in our armed forces...THANK YOU!
love all your layouts! What a inspiring ideas! I'm already your follower
Your layouts are a great tribute to our heroes. Thanks for sharing.
spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com
What wonderful, inspiring layouts! Thank you so much for sharing. Thank you, too, for highlighting Operation Write Home...what a wonderful way to say thank you to our service people. I have several people I love in the srvice, and many more who are Vets, so I appreciate all the ideas!
What beautiful layouts!!! Such a tribute to that time in our lives. I remember I was pregnant with my third child...it was my first day home from work (I had been put on bed rest). I was watching the morning news when they broke in with the story. I was glued to the TV all day with tears running down my face.
I am a new follower of your blog.
ktulanko AT gmail DOT com
I'm a follower of your blog. Your LOs were very touching!
Thank you so much for remembering our military adn other heroes. My father is a Green Beret and I so love your layouts and will be adapting them for my scrapbooks. May God continue to Bless you!
Loving this patriotic hop! Wonderful layouts :)
i just loved your blog' so nicely put together. im now a follower of yours. thanks for sharing .
Thanks for letting us be a part of this! You have great ideas... thanks for sharing!
Beautiful layouts! They are so inspirational. They really made me want to take the trip!!
Thanks so much!
slotr04 at yahoo dot com
WOW! This blog hop is amazing! You are all so talented! I was lucky enough to be a part of Honor Flight (nonprofit organization that flies Veterans for free to see their memorials) We were the VERY 1ST RV trip to take veterans! We had 5 in our RV and were gone for 4 days! The founder of Honor FLight (who is from my home town; Enon, Ohio; came along with us! We had 8 RVs and what an AMAZING time. Listening to their stories, getting to know them was truely an honor! Honor Flight gave them each a disposable camera. I took mine also and made a scrap book for each of the guys that we took! Thanks for sharing!!
Debbie Chapman
wow you were one busy lady! great job on all of your pages!
beautiful layouts! you did an amazing job :-)
You have such great ideas. Those pages are beautiful.
Gorgeous layouts!! Very touching.. thanks for the inspiration Christie! I am now a follower and looking forward to seeing more of your work :)
Truly inspiring and great page layouts! Never Forget has been a theme for this blog hop and it is truly such in your creations!
great layouts, i just became a new follower and will be back often
thank you so much for sharing you memories!! I'm from a family of military, my father served in WWII; brother in Viet Nam and retired Air Force; and now a nephew in the Air Force. It was a wonderful trip to DC for me too, to look at all the memorials. Thanks again!!
What a great memorial...
What great layouts! Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win!
Love you LO's. I can't wait to make that same trip someday.
This is awesome! My first blog hop, thanks for sharing..
I really enjoyed it!! TFS!
Happy Crafting, Paula
morethanfavors at gmail dot com
Awesome layouts, and you have me really interested in Operation Write Home. What a terrific idea.
Great projects!! Thanks for sharing. Great theme for the blog hop!
Wow, great layouts! My son-in-law recently joined the military, so they are even more special! What a great day to share them with us!
wonderful blog..thanks for sharing and sharing blog candy..
Great layouts. I love the tip about adding a brochure in a pocket made from a photo. And with the military theme in mind, I'm going to give DH an extra hug for being a Desert Storm veteran.
Great Blog hop and a great way to remember. Thanks
I love your layouts that you made. So inspiring. I've been to DC and seen the Korean memorial and I felt the same way when I saw....speechless. My husband just recently deployed and knowing that there are so many people out there who still care about our soldiers means alot!! I am following your blog and thanks for participating in the blog hop
The wonderful layouts help to tell a story that you can be proud to relate. We have endured so much in 9 years!! Continue with your creative talent!!
As a military family, we are always moved by the memorials in Washington DC. Thanks for letting us relive them through your layouts.
Hi Christie- Love your layouts. I can't wait to get back to DC to take some pics.
www.busycreating . com
cristal.b.3 @ gmail . com
Nice job Christie! Love DC and the simplicity of your layouts. We get so caught up in decorations, we sometimes forget its about the pic's. Looks great.
I LOVE your layouts they are so inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
iko dot linda at yahoo dot com
Your work is very inspiring! Thanks for sharing.
Michelle - 808Creator.blogspot.com
Great layouts, love the one of the reflection, great idea
Fantastic LO's. I spend so much time cropping pictures that it seems to take forever to finish my own LO's. You've given me the inspiration to try not to crop them for a change.
~ JD ~
My brother, uncle (Vietnam) and MOTHER (Vietnam) all served in the Marine Corps. (and yes I am proud to say my mother wore combat boots) My aunt is Air Force. My Great- Aunt was a nurse in the Army during the Korean war. My husband is Navy (Desert Storm), My brother-in-law is currently serving his third tour with the Army, once in Fallajah, once in Iraq, and unknown where he currently is.
These pages are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for your showing of support.
God Bless the USA
Your LO's are great, It is impertant that remember all those who serveed our country and remember all that they sacrifice in doing so. TY for caring enough to creat cards for the soldiers, you ROCK!
Amazing layout. So touching to see such reminders of what price was paid for our liberties.
Your scrapbook is beautiful and very well done. They seem to say so much more when the you have deep feelings or respect for the subject matter. Great job!
Lovely layouts! I have saved all of my stuff from 9/11 and my pics of ground zero, but haven't been able to make a layout yet. This helps!
New to cricut! This is my first blog hop. Thank you for participating.
I love the use of the different types of photos, especially black and white. You did a great job! Thanks for sharing!
Excellent layout! Love them. Thank you for posting about Operation Write Home. I will be checking it out and seeing about participating. Thanks for a wonderful blog hop.
Happy Scrappin'
I love your project! It turned out super cute!
I loved looking at all of your beautiful pictures! Awesome layouts! Thanks for sharing. Great blog candy too! I'm a follower now. thanks again!
You layouts were so awesome and inspiring! Keep up your great creativity! Thanks for sharing, Christy
Very nice layouts. Thanks for the opportunity for new ideas and fantastic prizes!
Beautiful layouts...inspiration for working on Hubbs Navy book. Thanks for the kick start..
Wow what beautiful layouts
As the daughter of a retired sailor (WWII and Korea), a veteran married to a retired soldier (Viet Nam)and the mother of 2 combat arms soldiers (2 years each in Iraq and both scheduled for Afghanistan next year) I am always conscious of layouts with a patriotic theme. Yours are beautifully done. Thank you for the inspiration and support of our troops.
Thanks so much for your continued creativity and inspiration. You are incredibly talented, and so generous with your technique teaching.
Thanks so much for your time, projects, and sharing! Beautiful pages.
Love your pages! and Thank You! for such support of our troops.
Lovin this blog hop too! Not sure how to become a follower yet! all new to me.
Thanks again for this great memorial blog hop.
Sue jwvideo1@gmail.com
Awesome pages Christie..thanks for being part of Sarah's blog hop and a supporter of the troops.
lostnwa98 at verizon dot net
Beautiful layouts! :) Thanks for being part of the blog hop, Christie--
beautiful work this hop is just such a wonderful thing to do!!!
Love you LO's very nicely done. thanks for sharing
Tracy P.
Thanks for participating in this hop to support our troops. Also, love your hints and organization tips. Of course your art is wonderful also.
I am following and really enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing your talents and having this blog hop. Its a lot of fun! I will never forget 9-11.
Great LOs! Thanks for the chance to win
Your layouts are simple spectacular! I am now a follower (actually I thought I already was LOL). I love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win!
Loved what you did. What a trip that must have been.
Love this hop as I am a vet myself. I have a Navy bro, Army Dad, and another bro currently in AIT for the Army!
Proud to follow this hop and become a follower!
Thanks for your beautiful book. What a great trip that must have been. I have been to see the memorial in Oahu. It is the most humbling place I've ever been. To see all the names of the people who lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Then the Viet Nam memorial too. I haven't seen the Korean memorial. It wasn't finished the last time I was in DC. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
I'm a new follower but LOVE your work! The pages look amazing. Than you for honoring those who serve and protect!
Thnak you for sharing your Beautiful LOs. Wowww... you outdid yourself on this blog hop. Also, thank you for that great support you give our loved ones serving. TFS..
Great Work!!!
Sweet Creations...
The layouts are wonderful, Christie. I'm an OWH supporter, too and have posted a few cards this weekend on the Hero Arts Flick'r album as well as a card on my blog. We need to support our troops any way we can, we owe them so very much.
Sue S.
Your layouts are great! The reflection photo is genius - (will have to remember that technique!) Thanks for sharing and participating in the hop!
WOW, you have created some BEAUTIFUL layouts here! I admire ALL of them!
Great lay outs!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Beautiful layouts, thanks for the inspiration.
What a great blog you have, I just joined and put you on my facebook page. Notice that you are going to be a grandma. I have been a grandma now for 6 years (now have 3 grandchildren) there is nothing greater in the world than grandchildren. Cherylann
Christie, I love the wall photo you did. The idea of a big hug is comforting......debbi@brucejacques.com
this is really nice and very special, thanks for the great blog hop job well done Debbie from http://craftydeb-ddscrafts.blogspot.com/
Great job on your layouts. I do a lot of cards and send some of the ones I make to a group that sends to the troops :).....a great cause.
Those are some beautiful LO's..my favorite is the wall picture, that is really awesome!!
brandyj1121 @ hotmail dot com
Thank you so much for all your woderful layout and all the hard work you put into these.
Christie - those pages and layouts are GREAT. I love them. Thanks for doing this bloghop. I went to ground 0 - after 9/11 and it was the most sombering moment I could only imagine these memorials being the same way.
What a wonderful tribute to our military! Beautifully done! I really love the photo of your reflection in the wall!
Love the layouts! The neutral colors really bring out the pics. Thanks for sharing.
Love the layouts
Beautiful layouts
As a Maryland native, I really enjoyed looking at your project and pictures! It has been an honor to be in this special blog hop with you, my crafty new friend.
I love your layouts!!!!! Congrats by the way! How exciting :)
You always have such lovely work on your blog. Is subscribing the same as following?
Beautiful layouts!!! TFS
Christie! I think your LO's are amazing! You always do such beautiful work with anything!
Your lay-outs are so amazing!
oops i just commented on the card below here thinking it was for this post :)
love your LO's and the video at the end was great!
Thanks for hosting -- your layouts are so inspirational.
Thank you for sharing your LO with us. The Korean War Memorial was especially moving for me, when I saw in back in 2002 (on our honeymoon to D.C. and N.Y. in honor of 9/11). When we happened to move to VA in 2008 the AF Memorial was new to us. It's quite the sight with the Pentagon behind it.
Your stuff is always amazing. Thank you for sharing. The patriotic stuff is alway a rush for me. I am so thankful for our HEROS. gdobberteen@yahoo.com
Great LO's. have become a follower. TFS.
Love your LOs. My parents took my brothers and me out there about 9 years ago, and as a history major I love walking through all of the memorials. We were in NYC July before the attack and without knowing we were doing it, had the towers in the background of almost all of our pictures. It was eerie seeing it since we didn't develop the pictures until November.
I love your blog! I am a follower. Thank you for the chance to win such an awesome blog candy! My heart goes out to all the families of the 9/11 victims.
Wow, this is truly a moving and inspiring layout. Thanks for sharing it with us all. Thanks for the fun and blog candy chances, too! Kelly
I love seeing everything you create. You are very talented. Wish I could find half the time you do to scrp & craft. Love the LO's.
Mary C
Love your blog! This is a day of remembrance for me. Blessings to the families of all who lost their lives on 9/11.
Very nice. I love the photo off you in front of the Vietnam memorial. I was there years ago, it is a very moving memorial. Thanks for sharing.
Great layouts, Christie. My brother's name is on the Vietnam Memorial, so on his behalf I thank you for the hug. :)
Thank you for your tribute to the servicemen & women. Especially today.
Great pictures and layouts. Thanks for sharing them. Look forward to following!
Beautiful layouts, love them. Thanks for sharing.
What great layouts.....simply beautiful!!!....Thank you so much for the giveawy and the chance to win!! Brandy
penrbandy at msn dot com
I love all your Lo!!! Thanks for showing so much support to our military. I know when my husband deploys, he loves getting cards from people like you, he knows people out there support him!!!
OH MY GOSH!!!! I would love to win all of these goodies but first I would like to thank you also for remembering 9-11 may we never forget....
It is nice to see your layouts!! I love the tip for using a photo as a brochure holder! This is an awesome blog hop for an awesome group of men and women!!
Thanks for the opportunity to win some blog candy! www.scrappinmystressaway.blogspot.com
I love your pages! Sounds like you did some great sight-seeing. I would have probably been bawling my eyes out at all of those memorials. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome layouts, thank you for sharing with us. What a fun blog hop.
Such awesome pages!!! Thank you for remembering our soldiers!!!
A wonderful rememberance for 9-11. Love the L.O.'s. Thanks for a chance to win.
Fabulous layouts! Thanks for the chance to win!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
This is a smashing idea to have a blog hop x I am honoured to be a part of it x Leigh x
fab layouts, thanks for sharing. One of the joys of a blog hop is finding blogs you didnt know about before. I have added you to google reader and look forward to reading future posts
I love to see double page layouts with so many photos. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful two page LO, I have spent all day on the blog hop and it has been very inspiring to see such great tribute to ur military. God Bless. blanphear@yahoo.com
Great LO! Its terrific seeing all of you creations! TFS!
Oh my gosh, I totally cried at the video!! I love all of your LO's..I hope one day we will be able to take our kids to all the memorials, then they will see just how important their daddy and the rest of those in his unit are even if they have never been deployed.
Great layouts. TFS. By the way I LOVE your craft room your so organized.
Love your patriotic themed layouts. The pictures are great! Thanks for supporting our troops with your project. The crop group I belong to does something similar.
Christie, your layouts are amazing! Thank you for sharing!
Love your layouts and your support of the troops.
Beautiful LO! TFS and inspiring! I've been a follower for a while. Love your blog!
Beautiful layouts... but I have to say I LOVE your PHOTOS! You have some amazing shots there!!!!
Your layouts are great and the pics are amazing... you inspire me yet again...i am definitely a follower...
Your layouts are just beautiful, They really tell the story! Glad you were part of the hop. Have a wonderful day,
Wonderful scrapbook pages. I was truly overwhelmed by the VietNam memorial wall--so much I could NOT stop crying and I still get emotional thinking of it.
beautiful layouts you do an awsome work take care of yourself
Love your LO's. Thanks for sharing
Thanks Christie for all your support to the Cricut world and helping us to learn more and more everyday. Thank you for your support of the military also. I have a nephew in the Air Force and my dad served in WWII and the Korean War. He has gone on to be with God, but he served proudly.
Shelly Baker shbaker10@yahoo.com
Wow...this LO is fantastic. I think it is wonderful what you are doing with Operation Write Home. Thanks for sharing with us on the hop.. I have truly enjoyed it.
tahoe_luvr at yahoo dotcom
Thanks for sharing.. I love your layouts, what a great way to show your support for those who have fought for our freedom!
Bonnie C
I love your layouts and what you are doing.
Thanks for the chance to join your blog, and thanks for sharing.
Bonnie C
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