I have so many flowers in so many colors and sizes how do you keep them all organized? I found a simple way to find just what you need quickly. I use the stacking round containers that you can get from JoAnn Fabrics or Michaels. They come 4 or 5 in package with a lid but I stack them much higher than that. I sort my flowers by color and size. I just bought a big tube of Prima flowers and instead of having to sift through them every time I needed one I sorted once and now I can find them all very easily. I store my larger flowers in two glass cookie jars that I got at Walmart. Most of the flowers in those were dismantled flowers from the Dollar store or Walmart.
Flower Storage
Posted by
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
you are so organized Christie!!
Christie.....I'm wondering where you got the print out sheets for each of your cartridges? I have looked and can only find really small ones to print out!
I am totally a fan of yours now!!! :) You truly inspire me!
I love your organization have lifted some for myself.
great idea!!!
Holy cow, you must order out a lot-lol! Actually, that is a great a idea, TFS. I have to tell you about something funny that happened at my LSS yesterday. The store owner was showing me a ring she started with the embossed & sanded peices of coordinations, with the CB folder info on the back and said, someone showed me this and now we're going to be keeping these out near the folders as samples. I had to laugh, I said, "Oh, I know where they got that idea from, and I did all of mine like that, too!! lol"
So thanks for sharing all of the great storage solutions... keep 'em coming!!
WOW!!! This is such a great Idea. thank you
And I thought I had a lot of flowers... I think you have me beat, unless it's just because yours are so organized! Most of mine are just in those big MM type storage jars. Organizing them like this would probably have me using more of them!
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