Today I wanted to share with you this handy tool that I found while surfing the net one day. I have been using it for quite a while now and LOVE it. I have not one but two videos to share. The first video demonstrates how to use the Bow Easy. The second is how to make a Ribbon Rosette Flower from wire edge ribbon. Both are the prize of the day!!! Enjoy the video tutorial and then leave a comment to win a Bow Easy (written instructions included) along with a big spool (10 yards) of beautiful 2 1/2" white wire edge ribbon.

Just a reminder Contain Ya Crafts is celebrating joining us in celebrating my Blog-averary by offering all of you 30% off of any Scrap N Tote (including the new color!) and a free project tote with any Scrap N Easel!!! Just use coupon code CREATIONS1 offer good now until May 15th!!!
This would be fantastic on heritage pages not real thick. Love this thanks for sharing, I have a few of the wire ribbon wide like yours only with a pattern on it.
angel hugs
I have not ever made a bow for my crafts because I can not do it! Though I do have lots of ribbon.My friend has one of these and I have been looking for one! If I had one of these I would make lots and lots of bows!
I would love to have a bow easy. Maybe i will win one!!!!
well u r talking about something I truly suck at lol...bow making! Usually have my sis do them for me...mine just look all wonky! But wanted to congradulate you on your anniversary..I check your site mostly every day..and want to try so many things you do! some of which I NEED to do like your little book on organizing what you have...can't tell u how many times I have bought the same thing 3 times! cuz I didn't have my notes with me...not sure you ever put a template up for it, but I am determined this summer to do one somehow! ty for being here...and congrads on being a granny! Im jealous!
I've heard how easy this was to use but didn't quite believe it until I saw the video. Also didn't know it could do different style bows. Thanks for the video!
That looks like even I can make pretty bows! LOL! Thank you again for the opportunity to enter. BTW, I love the comment about the "R" rating.. LOL!!!
Have a wonderful day
Debi in NorCal
tinkzilla63(at)sbcglobal. net
ooh very nice! I've heard about these before! I need to get me one, I'm hopeless at tying bows lol.
love the bows thanks for the chance to win
Looks like something even I could handle!!
deepabyss100 at hotmail dot com
what a fun concept for a blogaversary and blog candy. congrats!
Very Nice!!! I never thought to do that with the wired edge ribbon. Thanks so much for sharing!
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
so much fun! Bow easy on my wish list
I had never heard of the bow easy!! Thanks so much for sharing! Love the bows, much better than mine always turn out! And thanks for the chance to win!
tray83 at yahoo dot com
Beautiful bow and rosette! Thanks for showing us these things!
Judy Jackson
judystamper at verizon dot net
Love your bow and rosette with wire ribbon. Looks beautiful but easy, my kind of crafting.
Thanks for sharing your creative talents:
Mary Beth
Christy you make things look so easy to do. Thank you for doing both the video's.
Trish D
lady.58 @
You have such great ideas. I love the flowers.
Great Tutorial! LOVE the bow because I can't tie one that suits me no matter what. Now I Can! Thanks Christie for sharing your creative abilities!
Oh, my goodness, these look SO good and SO easy! Thank you for sharing this!
Love these...espeially your rosette. I have to get some of that ribbon and make some. Thanks for the chance to win.
LOved the tut with the wire ribbon! Never seen that before! Thanks so much for sharing!
You always present such fun stuff!!
Great tool. Thanks for sharing the video.
I love my bow maker but never knew what sizes each made this is so helpful thanks so much and congrats again on your milestone
I am truly the world's worst bow maker, hence I always have to purchase bows for any gift or scrapping project....this would be ideal....thanks for another great tip...
Hi Kristy- I love the rosette you made. I am making my niece hair clips- that is perfect.
Linda in IN
I believe I have seen a Bow Easy but I was always intimidated to try it, now they are nowhere to be found! I would love to give this a try, you make it look so easy. Thanks for the chance.
Great stuff! Thanks so much for sharing!!
scrappingstampingmommuy at yahoo dot com
So cute. Now I need to add the Bow Easy to my wish list, along with the easel and....your craft room!
camaren at chartermi dot net
You make it look so easy! I might even be able to do it my self.
Christie you have such amazing work. I follow you on youtube and your blog. I really like the flower you came up with that is easy enough. Thanks for sharing. Gloria M
My bows never come out very well! Maybe this will help!!
Thanks for sharing.
I can see me using the Bow Easy on layouts and topping gifts with pretty bows too!!! Thanks for sharing the video.
Luv how this tool makes perfect bows. Thanks for all your videos. I sure enjoy them!
what great videos
Making a beautiful bow would be so easy with that lovely little tool! I loved the wired edged ribbon flower you made ---- I am off to try that right now!
I would love to have a bow maker. You make beautiful bows and have great tutorials. thanks for helping me do better bows and so many more items to be proud of and glad to share.
Hi Christie
Thanks a lot for those two great tutorials. Now I have to try my hand on a rosette. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win your yummy blog candy,
Have a nice day!
Amazing!! Cool Tools ..
My fingers are way too chubby to tie a bow any more. lol this looks like the perfect solution!
Thanks for the tutorials and the chart showing the necessary ribbon lengths. Very helpful. The rosette is just gorgeous. I am going to make me some of those for sure!
That is cool!
Love the Twine!!!
Would love to win one!
I want a bow maker!!!! I always get frustrated when making bows. Hope to win one!!
Leslie Bauhgman
Love the ribbon rosette idea! I have a bunch of wired ribbon and now a new use for it. Never heard of the bow easy before, it looks like a great little tool!
Luvs2Scrap at aol dot com
It is a very nice and helpful tool!
I love the thought of Bow Easy, and have been wanting one for a wathile.... I'll keep wishing LOL
de.mamacrystal74 at gmail dot com
The Bow Easy looks like a great tool to have. Thanks for the demo !
ty for sharing I need one of these
Thanks so much for the video on the bow easy . I have got to get me one of these. following you too.
The bow easy video was great. I've used one before too and love it. Enjoyed the tutorial on the rosette flower too.
Love everything you do. Have watched all your videos !!! Especially LOVE your room. I see you live in Illinois, so do I. Who knows maybe we will see each other at one of the scrapping conventions. I've been to the one up north a few times. Congrats on your one year blog!!! Hope theres many more.
LOVE that ribbon flower and that bow maker is just what i need thanks for sharing with us!
tinaj509 at yahoo dot com
would love the easy bow....great project for making the smaller bows
fun videos, sign me up please.
minpinsloveme at msn dot com
Great tutorials. Love the bow easy. Really need to get one. My bows take forever to get just right.
I have acrylic nails and so bow tying is always a chore. This would be perfect!!
How very clever!
Love the video's especially the wire ribbon flower! The bow easy looks so easy too, great tool.
Just when I was about to get rid of my wired edge ribbon because I didn't like it on cards or sb pages!!! Too cute! I love your Family heritage books - what a labor of love! I don't know how you do it all! Do you ever sleep? lol
Thanks for sharing! Doris
I have been stalking you tube videos for bow tutorials. When it comes to bow mading, I am not good at all. When I saw your post today, I am excited about the bow maker, I really must get one. Also, your rosette with the wire ribbon is awesome thank you so much for both tutorials! Can not wait to try the rosette later today! TFS
Christie I love your flower video. A very easy technique but very effective. Thanks.
I love making homemade flowers, and this is so very easy!! Thanks for sharing
Another 2 great and helpful videos, thanks Christie for sharing. Bows are so intimidating when you want to use it on a project.
Makes it a bit easier to make bows with arthritic fingers!
I love your bows!! they are amazing. Thank you so much for putting hte time into do them.
Love the bows..I have never been able to make one look good. I will have to look into buying one of these...unless I win one (wink Wink)
Love the videos! thanks for the instructions and blog candy.
Linda Adkins
Suggestion...line up camera and put a sticky note or some mark at the center of screen... then you will know where to keep your hands..
Love the bow easy -- thanks for demoing it.. have watched it five times and now I think I have it.
kathleenM Colorado
Very cool thanks for sharing.
I always buy the already made ribbons, but I think I'm going to invest in this product. Thanks again for sharing and inspiring.
Love the Bow Easy template and your video. Indeed, bows are always a challenge.
Virginia Montagna
I loved IT! What a great item to have in the scrap room! It is going to be alot easier on my joints and hands. I must have it! Thanks for sharing.
The bow easy is an aesome tool!
Oops, awesome!
Happy blogaversary Christie the video is brilliant and makes it look easy, I wish I had one of these tools would make my cards look nice with the neat bows, I will add to my list of birthday wish list for my birthday on Friday 6th may
Fathima design
another great video. You are so very talented.
eiggam44 at yahoo dot com
Wow Christie, that is easy lol. Who doesn't hate making bows that aren't perfect! That is super, thanks for the give away!
Forgot my blog!
Many thanks for your very very helpful videos. Your creativity and your easy explained techniques make it very easy for this old stamper/scrapper to complete a myriad of projects I have promised myself and my family!
Connie in FL, soon to be in OH for the summer!!!
Just love your blog Christie!!!
This Bow-Easy makes it real easy...
Thanks for sharing all your ideas.
Hope I win this one!
Hey Christie, now you are speaking my language. I am bow challenged. No matter how hard I try, they just do not come out well. Going back to see the videos! Thanks for all the posts and videos ect.
I've heard good things about the bow easy but don't have one as yet. But bows are the rage these days. What a great giveaway!
Thank you for sharing with us about the Bow Easy! I had heard about them but had never seen one, I definitely need to get one of these! Thanks again! lindagk23ataoldotcom
Christie, you are so talented. Thank you for showing me how to use my bow easy. I have one but have never used it. I learn a lot from your blog. Thanks again, Deb from Ohio
I have a Bow Easy and LOVE it (so dont include me in the giveaway). I love your tutorials and having a video does make it easier to learn. Once you get the hang of it, it is super easy. I also love the bows you can create using double or triple loops but just making additional wraps around the bow easy before making your tie.
Very cool! Thank you so much for sharing the videos.
Fabulous videos, Christine! I love what you did with the wired ribbon. Gorgeous! I'm definitely going to have to play with some now. Thanks for the inspiration!
Snoopy :D
Thanks so much for sharing your great ideas with us. I always wanted to know how to make easy and simple bows and flowers.
You do wonders with ribbons! TFS
Hugs, Dorly Weitzen
dormik at netvision dot net dot il
What a cool little tool! Thanks for showing us how to make those ribbon rosettes! Stephanie Rodgers
I LOVE this!! My bows are always a little "off". Hope I win!
You make everything look so easy!! Love it!!
cherylphillips AT comcast DOT net
Oh my, something(else)I must have!! This looks so easy, sure hoping it will work for me!! TFS!! nlewis at dishmail dot com
Thanks for the tutorials. I loved your Ribbon Rosette. I have a Bow Easy and LOVE it!
Thanks so much for sharing!
At verizon dot net
Oooh, that's a great idea!
Thanks for the tutorials. I love your chart as I always waste the ribbon by cutting it too long yet to short to use for anything else.
Love the rosettes too!
Thank you for shareing these video's I really enjoyed watching them
Christie, you keep outdoing yourself, I could never make bows like that any time I need a bow for something I phone my daughter but at times that is very inconvient, because at times I need a bow and she is not around.Hapy BlogAversary again and keep up the great work.
Love how easy this looks!
Kavi Coulson
I struggle with making bows so the bow easy would be the perfect tool for me. Thank you for the giveaway.
Most people have trouble with bows. Any hints are always helpful. Everyone loves nice bows
momkertz at live dot com
I've heard a lot about the Bow Easy, it'd be great to win one!
Thank you for sharing your talents with us. I have had so many problems trying to make bows that I finally gave up. If I could win the bow easy, it would make life so much easier. Thanks for the opportunity.
Boy do I need that little helper. Me and bows are a no go. Thanks again for the video's.
I need to run this video continuously when I try to do this. My bows are terrible. You did a great job.
I have a Bow Easy and couldn't figure how to use to where my bows came out looking good. THANK you for a great video.
Carole Miller
so clever! congrats on your blogaversary and thanks for the chance to win =)
artbeckons at hotmail dot com
What a cool tool!
Great idea. Very clever.
annadowdy at gmail dot com
Congratulations again on your Blog anniversary!
Debra Pate
I love bows and try to put a bow on each project I
Thanks for another chance to win! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com
Congrats on your Blog anniversary!! I have followed you for some time now and love your blog. The bow easy is super neat!
suz.p@comcast dot net
Thanks for the video, I would love to win.
I love the flowers and those shoes are just stinkin cute!! Thanks for sharing. Vickie
Great videos Diane
You have the most wonderful videos! The flowers are beautiful!!
I love your blog, get the RSS feeds for it and enjoy each video you make in "my" dream art room. Happy Anniversary to you Christie.
FORGOT my email!
Loved the video. Thanks for sharing and I love the fluffy flower it's so elegant and seems easy to make. Thanks for taking the time to show us how you did them. I appreciate it.
Happy Anniversary! And what a neat giveaway. Would love to win this!!
Thanks for the videos. It is so awesome to be able to watch a pro show you how to do something you are wanting to try. Keep up the good work!!!!
Wow, thats a lot of shoes!
Smiles Sher
The Flowers are beautiful and I love love your Video.. Thanks
Christy, I love your videos. You are so good to us to give us these great tid-bits that end up so beautiful. The flowers you made a gorgeous and the bronze one is so beautiful. Got to make some of those. My eail is
I have seen many people using the bow easy and have been wanting to get one. I even have a svg file to make my own but haven't gotten around to doing that either. Your bows and flowers are outstanding.
Great little tool.........and thanks for all your generosity :)
Great tutorial. TFS and letting us have a chance to win!
Beautiful, can't wait to try them.
I love trying new things- fantastic tutorial- love all of your flowers! Happy Anniversary!
Oh those are gorgeous!! Great job and tutorial!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Denise in WA
So amazing, look real. I am definetly going to try some of these
Never heard of a bow easy and didn't know you could make rosettes from wired ribbon. Great tutorials!!! I have to have a bow easy. If I don't win, please tell us where to buy one. There are 7 girls in my family and I am making bows all the time. Your way is way better and lots easier.
Great videos! Love the flowers. It is so rewarding to make lovely embellishments from easily obtainable items. They are one of a kind and special. Thanks so much. Where did you get a glue gun on a stand?
Congrats on your 1-year blogaversary, Christie! I visit your blog regularly to see what you're up to. I'm in awe of your creativity. Thanks so much for the great tutorials. I enjoy making my own flowers and am anxious to try these out.
Thank you, also, for a fantabulous give-a-way. Please pick me. I would really love to have a Scrap n Tote!!!
You mean that I could even make a bow???? Wow
Thanks for the tutorials and the chance to win
Love the bows. Great idea.
Some neat ideas. I don't know why I hadn't added your blog to my daily check in's but I've added it now.
wow those are some great flowers thanks for showing them
I'm flower obsessed, so thanks for sharing this! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com
I LOVE Bow-easy. Could not tie a bow without it!
Where did you find that little lighter? I need one of those.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win such a nice prize. With the Bow Easy, I could even make a pretty bow!
I'd love the Bow Easy.........sometimes my fingers just don't co-operate with what my mind sees. Thanks for the wire ribbon idea as well. Used it to decorate a gift bag this week and everyone was in awe. Happy Mother's Day
Beautiful rosette flower! I will definately add it to my 'gotta try this' file... Happy anniversary...! :)
Believe it or not, I did have a Bow Easy at one time. Unfortunately, after a reorg and clean up session, I can no longer find it. I'd love to win a replacement...
Christie, thank you so much for the instructional video. I am so excited to try making these flowers. Thank you for the inspriational ideas.
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