I've had a great time reading all of the comments. Wow, what a great response. It is really touching to hear what some of you have shared. Truely you have made my this a worthwhile journey. Thank you!!! Today I am going to announce the winners from Monday and Tuesday. I'm not going to make you all wait till the end of the week to announce winners. I wouldn't do that to you. I wouldn't want to wait that long either, LOL! Todays prize is a biggie!!! A Scrap N Tote in your choice of color!!! All you have to do is leave a comment for todays post and be sure to leave your email address so I have a way to get back to you. Good Luck! If you want to see the video on the Scrap N Tote click HERE

Monday's WINNER of the Ranger Pastel Perfect Pearl Set, 3 Ranger Mini Misters and 1 Darice Metal Bead Scoop is DJScrappiness
And Tuesday's WINNER of the Scrap N Easel is Judy Jackson

Christie Love these thanks for sharing and thanks for the tutorial :) I need to make up some for some cards and pages and projects I have and these are perfect.. thanks again
Is there anything you can't do? I have tons of flowers but not sure what to do with them all. This is so inspiring. I can't wait to finish my craft room and learn more. ;-)) Happy blogversary!!- Eva Vaughan
I just thought of an idea for these wonderful flowers. I need to make napkin rings and I think I will give this a try on some rings I made with clay baked in the oven and then glazed. Thanks so much for the inspiration!! - Eva Vaughan
Thanks so much for all the great ideas this week. I had to order the Bow-Easy and now I'll need to try the flowers. They all seem like such additions to projects.
WOW!! Your flowers are amazing and beautiful. I'm going to go buy myself a new glue gun in the morning and of course some flowers and ribbon to make some of these. Thank you again for all your hard work and for sharing all your fantastic ideas. I might try and make some into corsages for my daughter and her friends for graduation.
Have a wonderful day
Debi in NorCal
I have really been enjoying your blog. Thanks for the giveaways.
Brandy : )
Another Amazzzing tutorial...thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us. SO inspiring!
Tabatha McLellan
I just love that first flower - the one you said was like a dahlia. It is truly awesome. I have to get to somewhere to buy some flowers so I can make one. Love it, love it, love it.
Thanks for them all but this one blew me away.
Beautiful flowers!!! I LOVE the fluffy ones, I think I'm heading to the $ store!!!
I love your tutorials. I live in a small town and it's the way I get to take craft "classes." Thanks!
Thanks for the tutorial. Love the flowers.
craftymom205 at yahoo dot com
Christie these flower are so dang cute!! thanks for sharing. I look forward to all of your videos, you do such a great job.
suz.p@comcast dot net
Christie - I came across your blog about 6 months ago and spent a day reading and watching everything posted. You should be proud of your blog and your talents as a craftsperson. I look forward to new posts and new ideas. Best of luck in year 2 and thank you for sharing!!
Congrats to the winners so far!
I think I'm losing my mind because I can see your post and all the beautiful pictures but no video (or even an empty space where the video didn't load) :(
It might vebecause I'm viewing frommy iPod today but I usually use it when blog surfing and have neverhad issues with yoursbefore. Hmmmmm might need to go try on my other computer. Thanks though as I'm sure when I find it I'll love it like I do all your other videos!! The stuff youshare is fantastic!!!!
Gosh christine LOVELY! Thanks so much for sharing. I have to try these flowers out today!! Your blog is wonderful thanks for sharing it. Lots of fun, ideas, visuals which I need and stunning projects. Not to mention organizational ideas! Lisa my3littlelambs@hotmail.com
Awesome flowers. Love all your ideas. The video makes it so easy to learn. Thanks!
jellybird at gmail dot com
I seem to love EVERYTHING you do!!! I just love to come over and browse your site for ideas :-)Juanita Cain
I LOVE them!! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise! I have so many cartridges I would love to have the system!
Another awesome giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I love all your tutorials. I have watched your site ever since I stumbled across it a few months ago. You are very talented.
These are wonderful! I love flowers and use them in almost everything I make. So nice to have new techniques to try! Thanks for always being so generous with your artsy knowledge!
Those flowers look amazing! WOW!!!!
I always learn so much for our and you always inspire me....
Thanks again for sharing your techniques!
Christie your flowers are amazing!!! My gosh you are a talented lady!! I came across your blog a couple weeks ago and now am a regular viewer. I'm very impressed and I have to commend you on your tutorials. They are fabulous!!! And...I thank you so much for sharing your talent. You area phenomenal inspiration!
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
Amazing!!! You are one talented girl!!!
Thanks for all the info!!
Your blog is fantastic! I have told several folks about it. Love the tutorials.
Great flowers Christie! And hope you continue having a great week!
New reader of your blog here... Happy anniversary, you do awesome work!
What pretty flowers! Can't wait to watch the videos. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the give-away!
Christie you have done it again. Just love them and I learnt something new. Thank you againl
Trish D
lady.58 @ bigpond.com
I love the flower tutorials. I can't wait to make a bunch of them. Linda in IN lynhead52@gmail.com
Wow! What an amazing project. I will look at flowers at the dollar store in an all new way now.
Lovely flowers! These would look fantastic on a mini album. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win some goodies!
Love the flowers. Just in time for mothers day.
Im new to the group and love all the exciting new things im getting to see
Christie - I love your postings. I look forward each time i open your emails to a new and great project. Wish I had your insight and creativity. Thanks for sharing all your ideas.
Wow! Fantastic! You just make everything look so easy and so nice. Love these videos.
I just found thisyahoo group and am loving all the wonderful people and tips!!
Nw Indiana
Thanks for the tutorial. I have learned a lot from you,
You are one creative lady!!! Thanks for sharing with us. Your room is awesome also!!
Linda in GA
Love the flowers. Thanks so much for sharing. My mind is going wild thinking what can be used for this technique. I'm thinking you could make some flowers with the big shot and dies for the fluffly flower technique. Also thinking punched flowers from vellum might work. Boy I need to go play.
Beautiful flowers! Since I didn't win the easel, I'm going to order one. Maybe today will be my lucky day!
camaren at chartermi dot net
Happy Blog Anniversary! I have enjoyed your Blog so many times, I even have my ribbon drawer done like yours. ;-) You have been a great inspiration to me on several occasions. Thank you for all your wonderful tuts, and for the opportunity to be in the drawing for this wonderful scrapping tote. It looks really nifty!
Christie, your flowers are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Wow great video can't wait to try the flowers...thanks for the opportunity to win a great prize
Thanks for sharing. I have t try these flowers.
Wow .. I have so many of these flower from various crafts left over ... I am def going to use this technique Thank you tjgritts@hotmail.com
Love all your videos!
It is very sweet of you to take the time to make them! Sometimes visual is much easier to grasp than written instructions!
love your blog, creativity and generosity.
BEAUTIFUL flowers! Thanks for sharing your videos.
This is an awesome idea.....and I can't wait to try this.....thank you so much for sharing....love it....
Thank you for all the tutorial on making these great flowers. So many ideas, so little time
Hi Christie
Thanks for the great tutorial on those gorgeous flowers and thanks for giving us the opportunity to win a Scrap'n'Tote. I must admit that there are so clever people on earth!
You can reach me at caroricbreton at hotmail dot com
Have a nice day
Wow, I love those shoes!!! They are great. I can't believe all the techniques you know! Thanks so much for sharing!!!
These are fantastic!
Man, I sure wanted to win. If we do not keep trying we will never win so here I go again, finger's crossed. I really love your tutorials and the videos are great because you can pause them and see if you are on target. Love the great videos and all you do to keep us organized.
I have been following your blog for over a year now and am always impressed. You video on the family history album was great. Its so nice of you to share and to continue to teach and impress others. Love the flowers. Thanks so much.
Roxana Haynes
Hi Christie, as always, TFS. Love your blog and love these flowers. I am always excited when you do a video because I KNOW it will be amazing! Not sure if it is open to other countries, but here goes :)
I love all your pretty flowers. I can't wait til I have a chance try out some of your techniques. Thanks for the chance to win another prize. You are awesome!
I really love the tutorials and video on how to make the flowers,great help on what to do with my extra flowers. Can't wait to go play a round with it. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for great ideas. I love them and can't wait to try the ideas out. Thanks again
Thanks for the videos, I love making flowers and could really use a tote
Your flowers are awesome! You've got a natural talent and I'm so glad you share that with us. Always looking for new ideas and having the videaos that show me how to make them is the frosting on the cake. Thanks for the chance to win!
The flowers are great. Thanks for a video that shows us exactly how to make them. You make it look so easy and they are just awesome. Can't wait to make a trip to the dollar store to find some petals.
Thank you so much for the flower tutorials, beautiful flowers I love the big puffy ones best.
Hope you are having a great blogaversary.
Thanks for the Tutorial the flowers are so cool! I am new to Scrapbooking and this is just another thing that I can use to create and become as good as you ladies!
Such beautiful work! This gives me some ideas to use outside of my scrapbooks! Thanks for sharing.
dvwayne at gmail dot com
Wowza...these flowers are FANTASTIC!!!!!! I am so glad you included this great tutorial because I'm always looking for new flower ideas since they are my fav embellie :)
Christy- chuckandchristina(at)yahoo(dot)com :)
April showers bring May flowers. =) I love your flower ideas, taking something we all probably have lying around and jazzing them up!
How fun!!!
WOW! Another amazing prize! The lobster bib for the drooling is not enough. I'm now sitting in a kiddie pool with my laptop to catch all the slobber ...lol!
I hope I win! I hope I win! I hope I win!
Snoopy :D
Here it is another great video.
Thank you very much for sharing with us
These are so creative, I love them. Thanks for the tips and ideas:) Hugs, Kelly P
Love these flowers! So glad you made the video! Thank you so much! Awesome!
Thanks Christi another terrific tutorial, I am going to the Dollar store to get some of these flowers and give it a try, I love the fluffy one. I think these would be great on card swaps, due to mailings, not as bulky in the envelops. Take care and thanks for the chance to win. mznursey@sbcglobal.net
Hi I have watched your vidio & it has given me lots of ideas I have quite a few flowers so I will be taking them apart.
Thank you so much for your tutorials.
I am a newer follower, only a couple months, but I have enjoyed following your posts and your projects. Thank you for the opportunity to win some wonderful items!
Stunning video and beautiful flowers.
Congrats on anniversary week! I've sure enjoyed seeing your beautiful and creative things this past year. Keep up the great work!
Those are very pretty.You are very talented
Could it get any easier? Why won't my brain work that way? Great ideas, love them both
Thanks for sharing all your amazing talents and techniques. I love all of them. I am on my way to the $ store.
Oh the flowers are so adorable thanks now I have a new idea for the shows....
opps I forgot to sign my name and add my email
I just got so excited lol....
Cathie Holt
Love the flowers. Can't wait to try out your technique. col_olear@pacbell.net
Thank you so much for all that you do. Your ideas and tutorials are fantastic.
What a good idea taking flowers apart. You always have such great ideas, and I don't know how you find the time to do so much...are you sure you don't have a twin?
Thanks for all of your tutorials, particularly with the bow easy. I won one but lost my touch in using it. You made it very simple. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
vballen at comcast dot net
You do such a great job with your blog, Christie. Where you find the time or energy I'll never know but I do appreciate all your creativity and talent. Keep them coming.
Thank you sooo much for this tutorial video. I've been trying to learn how to make pretty flowers and this is going to help me lots!!
More fabulous ideas and great tutorials to match!! Can't wait to try them!!
scrappingstampingmommy at yahoo dot com
What pretty flowers. Thanks for tutorial. Happy Anniversary!!
Congrats to the LUCKY winners! Great tutorials! thank you Christie! HUGS! glanning@msn.com
Love the flower tutorials you did. Flowers are always a great embellishment to cardmaking.
Virginia Montagna
You have done a great job with your blog, Christie. Thanks for sharing with us everyday and thank you for having giveaways for your blogiversary!! enchantedcropper @ gmail.com
EXCELLENT flowers, Christie!! You're amazing!
trishatoo at hotmail dot com
Your blog is simply amazing ! The flower tutorial is a must see !!! Just love it.
Thanks for sharing.
The flower tutorial is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. I visit your blog regularly and I am always amazed and inspired. Keep on creating!!!
So very nice. Thank you for sharing.
annadowdy at gmail dot com
Love your blog and thanks for the chance to win!
What an awesome video! My glue gun is heating up as I write this-thank you!
Luvin' the anniversary. Congrats
Wonderful! Will be pulling out the glue soon.
Love the tutorial- beautiful flowers! Fun Anniversary Celebration and congrats to the winners!
OMG! Christie.. you truly are an inspiration!!! What a brilliant tutorial - so clear and precise. I love it! I visit your blog every day and your blog is such an inspiration. God knows you can come up next.. TFS. Gracie from Queensland Australia. http://createwithease.blogspot.com
Beautiful flowers!! Thank you so much for the great tuts!!!
And thank you so much for the chance to win your blog candy :-)
Jody :-)
aerynx at gmail dot com
Awesome tutorial! Love the flowers and those shoes are just too stinkin' cute! Thanks, as always for a chance to win as well!
Kim ~ mikiela1@yahoo.com
Christie, Thank you again for a great tutorial I hve quite afew flowers as I use to worin a wholesale silk flower company now I am on medical leave and couldn't hink of how to make them the way you did them Thank you so much for sharing. colleenfroud@yahoo.com
Congrats Christie
Thank you for all your knowledge
Becky poochietoo at gmail dot
Love the flower tut. You are amazing!
I love making flowers like this!!!! So fun, isn't it!
Great way to re-purpose flowers that may not be their best anymore. Great, clear instructions! Thanks!
you are so generous with your time to make the tutes and videos for us!
Thanks so much
Thanks again for another wonderful video. I love the flowers and you have great ideas. I love your glue gun with a desk holder too, how cool is that!
Flowers are so popular right now. I'm really enjoying your anniversary celebration and would love to win a scrap tote. clpeper at charter dot net.
I love this flower tutorial! I cannot wait to try this! Thank you so much! I really enjoy your blog, you are just so talented. Hanks again. lindagk23ataoldotcom
LOVE, LOVE the flowers ..cant wait to yardsale to find some :) appreciate you sharing such wonderful gifts!!!
Your work is amazing.
Christie, happy blog anniversary!!!!!!
THank you for a great tutorial and your flowers
are a breath of fresh air!!!!
thanks for the chance to win awesome blog candy.
Absolutely gorgeous flowers! I am loving your tutorials!!! I have never taken a craft class so I am so excited watching all your great tutorials! Could you consider making this a two-week anniversary? Just kidding. Know you have a put a lot of effort into these tutorials, and we all appreciate your hard work! Thank you!!!!
Wow! I've used $1 store flowers, but what you do is special!
WOW I will have to try that with my $1 store flowers. thank you so much for showing us how to make them.
Loving all your technique videos, they are so inspiring. I love this new one as now I know how to make those extra fluffy flowers with cheap dollar store flower petals, they sure do look great! I'm so glad your sharing all your little craft secrets with us.
I always enjoy looking at your Creations.
Thanks for the great site.
Ruth rhop321@aol.com
Did you make all those pink shoes. I don't remember seeing how to make those.
Great video and inspiration to use those bags of flowers in our stash! thanks for sharing your technique.
Simply beautiful
I am so into flower making now. Love the different ways to make flowers. Sweet!
these flowers are beautiful! Thanks for the video!!!
I was all set with the ideas I would use for my current flower swap, but now I just may have to switch to those ribbon one! Thanks!
Those flowers are great! I will have to check out the dollar store and give it a try. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Have a GREAT week!
I mostly work with vinyl but you have inspired me to try paper more. Ive been trying to learn to make cards...You make it easier thanks!
Love your ideas and giveaways.
Love them all! Can't wait to try some! TFS
LOVE,LOVE,LOVE these flowers! So many ways to use these! Thanks for the ideas and for the great give-a-way!
Cheryl D.
Awesome flower tutorial! Thanks so much, I can't wait to try it. Shari (cricutrookie) cricutrookie@aol.com
Love the flower ideas. I'll have to give the ribbon ones a try this weekend. I'd love to win the tote as well. What a great way to store and carry my cartridges.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Cutting category today [06 May 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Thanks for sharing your terrific art and tutorials so I can attempt these projects. Happy Blog-aversary!
Kavi Coulson
Love the flowers.
username at yahoo dot com
OMG Love this tutorial on the flowers, they turned out so beautiful. I guess I need to start looking for those types of flowers and making some of my own. Love them!
angel hugs
Debby from MN
I want to thank you for this post about the dollar stor flowers. Since then I have been buying them and I spruce them up with glimer mist, my homemeade sprays, pearl-x among other things and they are beautiful. Thank you for saving me soo much money cause I was giving it all to prima. Love your blog!!!!!!
You really have some great things going on over here this week!
Christie! Such gorgeous rolled roses and fluffy flowers, for so little effort! Today I'm making Mother's Day cards and I will be making and adding both these types of flowers to them!
Cindi Estes
thank you for finally giving me something to do with all my flower petals lol. i cant wait to try out both ideas at the NSD cropi am attending tomorrow thanks again
Kim taylor
very nice!!! I have used flowers for embellishments for picture frames!
Your flowers are WONDERFUL - I love love love them. While i've taken them apart, I never thought to layer so many - what a difference!
Nice flowers! stefrick@optonline.net
You do such pretty work ! Thanks for the photos and the videos,and the chance to win such nice prizes. Happy Anniversary !
What gorgeous flowers! Thank you, and Happy Mother's Day if that's appropriate!
sweetsandals at gmail dot com
Those are amazing. So inspirational too. Thank you for taking the time to share with us! Thank you. teachermom5@gmail.com
Way to go Christy! you are so talented. I learn something every time I come to your blog. Thanks for sharing! Vickie
I love the flowers and will ut aside some time to play making them later this weekend. I cannot wait I have over 30 of your tutorials on a file and now another to add. Keep up the terrific hobby for yourself and all of us.
A Scrap 'n Tote would be awesome. Someplace to store the flowers fixin's and way more goodies.
Please Please Please
Christie.. I just had to stop back in and tell you I followed your tutorial and made some of the flowers.. all I can say is OMG!! THANK YOU!! they turned out beautiful!!
Have a wonderful day
Debi in NorCal
Everything's better with flowers. Thanks for great tutorials and ideas. Happy Mother's Day!
These flowers are fabulous!!! Happy Mothers Day!
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