CHA - The Day After

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I shot this after picture of what the CHA trade show looks like the day after.  Not quite like the day before.  LOL! 
Since I live here in only a few minutes from Rosemont I decided to stop by the so called CHA Super Show. It doesn't compare to the CHA trade show but I was hoping to find some goodies like I did last year.  Sadly, I was very disappointed in this years show.   It was grouped with the Jewelry, Fashion and Accessories show this year.  The craft area was tough to find being pushed into the back corner of the huge convention center.  Plus there was not much there at all, just a handful of booths.  The Jewelry had a firm upper hand on this show!  I don't understand the logic to grouping these two shows.  And as I had to make my way through the maze of hundreds of other booths to find the craft ones, I was finding myself wondering why didn't they just put them towards the front?  It seemed like the craft section was the "kiddie table" hidden in the corner of the room.  Oh well, that's my take on it.    


Unknown July 25, 2011 at 8:13 AM  

Wow Christie, I am so sorry it was like that. I have never been to one before. But in October this will be in Orlando. I hope that it does not get pushed in the back of the class. I do like to see what other crafter are doing but I try my best to work with paper. I hope that it will be good as it will be my first time.

Maureen Reiss July 25, 2011 at 1:21 PM  

I went to, and was dissapointed also to hear that all the large companies had dropped out of the super show. Hopefully they made their point and it will be back to normal next year.

Anonymous July 25, 2011 at 10:16 PM  

Christie, I was one of the very few who choose to exhibit at the Super Show. I had no idea until the day before that so exhibitors had signed up; only 21 in all. We were back int the corner like a "red headed step child". To make matters worse, because of the jewelry ID's were required and you had to be 16 years old to get in. Many people traveled from WI, MI, IN, & IA with their kids only to be told they could not get in. Some had hotel reservations and planned on spending some time at the Super Show. It was a huge mess!!!!! Last year it was a big, fun, family event! Lots of make n takes for kids; there was even a Kids Zone! Bad for CHA, bad for JF&A, bad for Exhibitors and bad for attendees!
Marlo Letterle
ContainYa Crafts
Maker-Scrap'n Easel

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