I finally finished my RIBBON organization project. WHEW!!! What a project that was. If you are looking to get carpel tunnel, this is definitely a good way to get it. Lots of repetitive motion. LOL. Glad its done and I have all of my ribbon in one spot. It's all neatly organized any easy to find! Before I had 4 of those floss boxes filled to the brim with ribbon, 3 of the drawers that I have my ribbon in now were filled with spools and loose ribbon, 2 other boxes were filled to the brim with ribbon cards and I had bags of ribbon spools that I just couldn't find a place for. So every time I needed ribbon I had to look in various places to find what I needed. Most of the time I just gave up and went ribbon-less. Now it's done and I am a proud owner of a very organized ribbon collection! Yeah!

I started by cutting up white foam core board into 2" X 3" sections. It was very easy to cut by making one pass in both directions before cutting all the way through. That way you only have to use the ruler for the first pass. I bought my foam core boards at JoAnns using my 40% off coupons. I then started winding my ribbon around the narrow part of the foam. I used a rubber band to secure the end.

I divided up my ribbons, fibers and twine into 6 drawers...White, Black, Brown, Cool, Warm, and Print.

My white drawer includes the off whites, creams and silvers.

Blacks include my Black and White prints since I have lots of those.

My Brown drawer includes the golds and natural twines, and leather.

I decided the best way to divide my colors is by warm and cool colors. And to have any with obvious prints in a separate drawer. Some of the skinny ribbons or ones with a small amount I was able to fit a couple on one piece of foam core, leaving a gap between them. I didn't worry about brands except my Papertrey Ink ribbons. For those I simply wrote PTI on the Foam Core. I don't think I will be buying ribbon any time soon. LOL but I don't want to buy a color that I already own.

My patterned and print ribbon drawer is packed with all of the ribbons that have multiple colors. I had forgotten that I had a lot of these. I tried to place the co-ordinating ribbons next to each other so they are easy to find.

O-M-G!! First, I thought I had a lot of ribbon and am so drooling right now. Second, great way to organize while still being able to see the colors & patterns! Third...maybe I do have that much ribbon... ;-)
Yowzers woman! You have a lot of ribbon!!! LOVE the way you organized it all!
That is how mine is organized too. But I don't have nearly as much!! Holy cow I don't even think Hobby Lobby has that much ribbon!!!!
Wow!!! Thats alot of ribbon!!! Great tip TFS!!
love your organization of the ribbon. It's so pretty, I'm afraid I would hoard mine if it looked like this. Although I must say you DO have quite a bit LOL.
You did a seriously great job organizing your ribbon. I recently redid my ribbon and used the ribbon ring system. I love that too because now I can see my ribbons and it is easy to go to them and hold up the paper for matching.
Ironically, I placed mine on the ribbon rings a lot like you did when I went to organize them. I LOVE how it turned out. The only thing I am a little worried about is dust on the ribbons with my method. With yours being in drawers, I don't think you'll have to worry.
Thanks for sharing. A really great idea.
I was very excited to see the finished product and it sure didn't disappoint! I can't imagine you being unorganized in any sense....so I was surprised to read you needed to organize your ribbon system. I really love it! Great job :) No wonder you get so much done as you're very organized.
You did a awesome job organizing your ribbon. You didn't disappoint us. My ribbon I organized very similar with the plastic cropper hopper ribbon drawers and their spools. Colors grouped as yours are. TFS!
Incredible job. Love how they are all together in one place. Now will you come over my house and do mine. Ill pay! LOL. It you have a chance check out my blog with blog candy...yes you could win more ribbon!ha ha take care, gerri
Oh Wow I have never seen anything like this - amazing!!! Well you are certainly organised! More like a shop!!
Now that is a fantastic way to put your ribbons. I may have to steal that for mine so my cats stop eating and playing with mine (and ruining them). There is only one thing....I sure don't need a lot to do mine. You have more ribbon than my store does!
What a great job..mine are still in baskets all tangled up! Such a great idea and wow what a stash!
Great job with your sons home!! I know you were busy with other things at the same time and yet it turned out gorgeous!
Would invite you to my blog to check out my organization too
Fantastic!!!! I love this idea....I have mine on a curtain rod on the spools....and I hate it....the ribbon always runs over the others ....so I think I will use your method....it just seems to work better and less mess....thank you for sharing this idea....now I will have to go and buy more ribbon....LOL....
Congratulations! Love your posts!
Congrats! I am amazed at your patience to organize your ribbon. I just live with my drawers of mixture.
A fabulous way to organize! And I have foam board already!
Cindi Estes
I LOVE IT!!! I am totally showing this to my mom and my hubby, who both insist that I have too much ribbon! Like 6 dowels, 4 or 5 shoeboxes, 4 ribbon boxes and misc hanging spools is too much?????? And that doesn't include my Stampin Up ribbon! My mom has said I wouldn't be able to use all the ribbon in this lifetime. Well....bury me with it then! LOL Thanks for sharing!
This must've been a huge project but so totally worth it. I can imagine what a pleasure it'll be the next time you want to reach for ribbon!
Wow you are a bigger ribbon junkie then me LOL Great job
You rock the house. I can't wait to learn from you. I'm such a novice and you are my inspiration. Love it!! - Eva Vaughan
And I thought I had a lot of ribbon this is way to cool I need the drawers too where did you find them
Girl - you are really something. I get excited when I see your name in my mailbox - I always know, it's something good.
looks great!
Wow Christie! I am sooooo impressed AND inspired to get my act together and FINALLY organise my Scrapbooking area (about 15x20 space shared with the laundry area in my basement. I love the idea of using the foam board for the ribbon storage...because, yes...I too am an "acquirer extraordinaire" and have a huge bin of ribbon that is always a PAIN to sort through (especially when you know that one ribbon you need is at the BOTTOM! I have an aversion to elastic bands though, as they tend to dry out over time and sometimes leave marks behind...so, here's my idea on that... How about cutting a small "slit" at one edge (the narrow end) of the foam board piece and just pushing the ribbon-end down into the slit to hold it in securely? I'm going to try this one for sure! Cheers! Jane, Toronto, Ontario Canada elisajane@hotmail.ca
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