Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tissue Tapes

I've had a bunch of questions as to what are tissue tapes. They are just what they sound like tissue paper in tape form. Tim Holtz came out with a line of tissue tapes recently that got me inspired to buy more. I had a few from a company that I don't remember who it is. I also have a few tapes that are similar but not as tranparent. I have posted the line of Tim Holtz tapes since they are the most readily available. they sell 2 per pack for about $8.00. There is A LOT on each roll and you will never run out. You can ink them and layer them. The possibilities are endless. ENJOY!!!





  1. Christie-

    Over at (below retail) we have all of the tapes in stock and ready to ship. I am loving these tapes so much! :)

  2. Oh my gosh I love it. Your candles look awesome!!


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