My friends, Mike & Julie, adopted this little guy. He was born and was being raised with little human contact. I took over as his day "nanny" to help socialize him. It was love at first sight! My husband and I call him our "Part Time Dog". We will take him any time they go on vacation and sometimes just feel the need for an overnight visitation and will plead for them to let him have a weekend sleep over. When ever they come over to hang out the first question out of our mouths is..."Is Attila coming???" LOL I made this book for them to capture his first year. Kind of a baby book. They have no kids yet...even though I keep begging them to work on it. Now I sound like a Grandma, right?!
Most of the pictures were taken when he would come over for a visit.
As you can see Indy and him have become great pals.
I love this Christie!! Thank You for the ideas! We adopted a dog last year and although we have kids and grandkids, she is in almost all the pics because she is like one of them! I am just never sure how to scrap the ones just about her!! Your great and I love your blog!! God Bless! Sandi Cooley, Charlotte, NC
Wow!! You did a great job with this album Christie!!
Quick question about the michael's coupons.... will they accept them just printed from your site or do they need to be from a newspaper?
Hi Christy,
You did a great job on this book. What a treasure for your friends to keep and enjoy. Atilla is adorable, I can see why you all love him!! Thanks for the inspiration. I'm planning on doing a dog book in the near future...and I'll be borrowing some of your ideas!
What a great album! Love your pages and how you kept the focus on the pics. TFS!
This is a great album with wonderful pictures. Makes me want a dog again.
Thank you again for making this book for me on Mother's Day! I love it and cherish the book and more so our friendship! Love you! Julie
Aweeee.....what a great book! I know they will treasure it. Love the LOs.
Oh Christie this is fabulous......I never really knew how to do a puppy dog album....so this is such a inspiration.....thank you.....
I love all of your work; but, this is very special to me. I planned to do this for one of our shih-tzus and I had a computer crash and lost most of my pictures. This is motivation to do a dog album even his no longer a puppy. (5 next week!)
A great job. Can't wait to see all of the grandbaby layouts!
love your book. They'll treasure it forever. Inspires me to do one for my furry children.
This is absolutely adorable! I can tell this is one happy puppy with all the "smiling" going on from the dog AND people! I just had to share it with my family.
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