News Flash!!! Felicia went into labor yesterday... We are still waiting to hear the good news of the arrival of little Kyler. I could hardly sleep last night waiting for the phone call but I guess he wants to take his time. Hopefully soon...It's like waiting for Christmas morning when I was a kid! So here are some pics to be sure to bring a smile to your face today! My cat Indy, as charming as ever!

OMG!!! Anybody who knows Indy...Loves Indy! She must have been a model in another life. As some of you know, she loves to dress up. No, I'm not a crazy lady who dresses up her cat. Indy really does like to wear the occasional dog sweater. Last week when I was at Michaels I saw that they had glasses for American Girl dolls and I thought that they looked like they might fit Indy. So just for kicks I picked them up. I wasn't expecting her to LOVE wearing them! She is so funny. I put them on and they fit perfect...she was looking all around the room, checking everything out. I swear she could be a clown cat or one of those cats you see on TV. She never tried to get them off and when I did take them off she went over to the glasses and pawed at them. Was she trying to tell me to put them back on? Too funny! Anyways, this morning while I was working in my studio. My assistant, Indy, was with me of course, she decided to crawl into the Easter basket so I took advantage of this moment to get some photos of her in her cute Spring outfit.
P.S. I had a video of her wearing the glasses to show how much she loves them but when I was transfering it to my computer I realized that the battery in my camera had died. Sorry, I will get it another time. :(
Indy is indeed a special cat. Mine would never let me dress her. Very cute!
Indy looks like a good-natured, contented kitty. Great pictures too. Barb
Christie -
Indy is adorable, what a sweetie! Here's hoping your new grandson doesn't keep you waiting too long!
Elaine Allen
Christie: I had a cat who liked dress up too! She passed away a couple of years ago, just before she got to wear her new Christmas outfit. :-( Maybe I should send it to you since my new kitties will have no part of it.
Lacey would roll around and pose when I put on a dog shirt, she walked around with it on and didn't seen the least bit unhappy about the attire. Gosh, I miss her. You are lucky to have Indy!
Lori- Lacey sounds just like Indy. It sounds like you have lots of wonderful memories of her. Yep, that's exactly how Indy acts when she "dresses up". She is a show off! It's nice to know I'm not the only one who has a crazy kitty. Email me a pic of Lacey I would love to see.
So cute! My bulldog Louie likes to dress up too. And he's a ham in front of the camera. Love all the pics, Indy is an awesome kitty.
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