In helping prepare for the arrival of Grandson Kyler I made some closet dividers. As everyone who has ever had a baby you acquire TONS of clothes of ALL sizes. It really helps to have all that clothing sorted so you can find just the right size that you need at the time. Raising my two sons. When I met my husband Tim, 15 years ago, I added another 5 kids into the family, we have gone through our share of clothing.
For the dividers for Little Kyler I created fun colorful ones using the same dividers I use in my closet. I purchase them from The Container Store. I covered them with paper from the Playdate SEI paper stack. For the lettering I only used white stick on letters. I colored them with permanent markers to the color that I needed before adding them to the divider. I usually only buy white or black letters that way I save a TON of money and I can create the color that I need for any project.
I am one to make the use of every inch of space in my home. I love our home but there where a few things that I didn't care for, like the lack of closet space. Well, that's where the creative mind comes into action!!! I dreamed up my perfect closet, but just where could it go...we still had kids living at home...then it came to me! The space above the garage! It was just on the other side of our bedroom wall so it could be easily accessed and so the planning began! And in a few short months and LOTS of help from my Dad. My Dad and Tim built it! I now have plenty of closet space!
As you can see we started with nothing. This is what it looked like before. We were just using it for storage of seasonal stuff like Christmas. We moved that to the attic with access by way of a pull down staircase in my Studio. A pretty good compromise I think.
And this is the after!!! I have a doorway going right into my bedroom! I, along with my Dad, designed this AWESOME closet space. I have other pics but don't want too much hate mail. LOL As you can see I use my closet dividers and love them. I am easily able to find just what I am looking for. I look like I have a lot of clothes but I don't spend a lot on them (I almost never pay full price!) and I have a hard time purging my clothes.
I used the deep slope of the ceiling as an advantage instead of being a problem. I added a second row of closet bar behind the front bar. That way I can keep all of the out of season clothing on it's hangers and just put them on the back bar when it is too cold/warm. But I don't have to riffle through boxes when I need something for a vacation or special occasion.

First sooooo jealous of this closet. 2nd what a great idea with those closest organizers!!!
Awesome, awesome closet Christie! Lucky girl!
Elaine Allen
wow it would be so nice to have this closet space.i'm always gettin flack because i have too much when really i don't have enough space.great
space and ideas
what an amazing idea for a baby's closet!!!!!! SO COOL!!! And speaking of closets, yours is amazing!!!!! That is super cool!!!! Thanks for sharing!
What with your craft studio and now you closet I am seriously starting to feel a little jealousy LOL
Absolutely stunning.
LOVE your closet!!
Very creative, like everything you do. You and your dad did a great job of planning how to use all the space.
You are just to funny, always thinking of something. Love the closet, my is 16' X 22'
with shelve above the clothes bars and then my
hubby build me a unit that goes down the middle of the closet that has 22 compartments for sweaters and even had room to store our luggage and things like that. Put the leftover
carpet on top of it, just love it.
Great creative design as always. TFS
Christie: You are so lucky to have such a great space!! Can't have enough closets!! I'm jealous of your organization skills! You amaze me! Keep up the good work, I enjoy seeing new things you come up with! Jackie
i think you are an organisational GENIUS. seriously, i have never seen anyone that can organise like you can!
I love that idea for the closet organizers! I never knew they had something like that out there! The closet idea is great too!
Love the closet organizers.....and your closet is extra space is in the attic....which is at the other end of the house....really wish I could do that....but it's just not my DH clothes are in the guest BR closet.....LOL
Absolutely amazing closet. You have probably 10 times the amount of clothes that I do. I share a closet with hubby who has more clothes than I do, so I have to use the rule buy one, get rid of one. Oh to have a closet like yours! My "extra" clothes are in little plastic boxes on the top shelf. Good idea about the guest bedroom closet (from Gloria above me!). Maybe I'll snag that one for me!
Jealous?...Yes Organizational Heaven? ...Yes
Would you adopt me?
Love your inspirations and talent. Thanks for sharing.
Wow!!!! Love it!!! I am in the process of reorganizing, purging my closet. I love the consistency in your hangers. What kind of hanger's are you using?
Thank you for always sharing your creative talent with us.
love it this is so nice
damn..can I borrow your dad and your hubby for a bit? awesome! and I love the dividers! gonna get some!
For that grandbaby, I used to keep 3x5 cards in my wallet, by months, and on them I listed every item of clothing that I had gotten as gifts or at a baby shower. I had a 3 mos, 6 mos, 9 mos etc, that way when I went to a sale, and found great bargains, I could fill in the items I needed without duplicating the sizes I already had. It really saved me money, since I lived in the deep south and many upscale children's stores had things 75% off! Not to bad to get an Easter or Christmas outfit for around $5!
Fabulous closet and great use of the space!
Too late!....I already hated you for your craft it is worse!...hahaha!...You have a very creative mind...and not only that....YOU make it all just don't think it, dream it!..YOU get it done.... I may not hate you...BUT....i sure am jealous!...thanks for sharing. Monna
Question for you! I just purchased the blank dividers from the Container Store. Did you use a special template covering them? Looking for that! Thanks.
Awesome pictures, you have inspired me to redo my Closet!
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