Tim shoveled twice last night and this is what we got last night. It's not even 7 in the morning and it's up to his knees. The snow is still coming down hard too.
Whoo Hoo! I love a good blizzard! Time to break out the hot cocoa and snuggle by the fire. Congratulation kids on scoring a SNOW DAY! It's great packing snow too! So head outside (when the sun comes out) and build a snowman! I would love to see them send me a pic or a link I would love to see your snow creation (or your kids creation)
LOL. This next picture is hard to see because it's snowing so hard but the drift on our patio is probably 4 1/2 feet tall and is super long. SOOO Crazy!

BTW Marlo got in the spirit of the blizzard too and is offering a 20% off of the
ScrapN' Tote (either Pink or Green) through Thursday with the coupon code
IHEARTSCRAP'NTOTE. Just click below to go to her site

Hey Christie, I'm in St. Louis, so technically, I sent that snow your way... LOL...We missed that heavy snow fall but still got the ice, some snow, and incredible winds for a bit!! I have a wonderful neighbor who shovels me out but of course, I am not going anywhere!! Have a fun play day and I will too!!
This is how it looks at my house too. I am going to bundle up my daughter and take her out just to get the photo of the tall snow and her.
WOW Christie that is beautiful but crazy snow. I'm complaining about the cold (18 degrees this morning-Texas) but not near as what other parts of the country are getting. Be safe, stay warm!
Wow - you got the blizzard - we got the hype... media jumped all over that storm coming to Toronto and closed everything down, we got 3". LOL
Wow Christie....you should go in to the interior design business....I could use your help here in at my house....I am not very good at decorating....I am in Massachusetts and we are having snow/rain/freezing rain. Have not had a full week of school since before Christmas. Happy shoveling! Susan at smoneyp40@aol.com
That's more snow than we got here. DH just finished helping all the neighbors with their driveways after the plow came through and made those humongous piles at the ends of all the drives. He even backed my car in to the garage so I could get out more easily in the morning. Silly me... can't seem to find the curved driveway when everything is all white! lol!
BOO!!! I'm in WA and it's in the mid-40s!!! Can you send some snow my way???
I am in Batavia!!! Hope you guys came out of all this okay!!
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