Michaels has their value pack foam on sale for $4.99 each, great for those custom 3D pop "dots"
Open stock paper is 4 for $1, reg price .59
to see the rest of the Michaels sales just click HERE

With most of their frames already 40% off this is a pretty great coupon!!!

Hobby Lobby has the entire stock of Chipboard and Gemstone Embellishments by Paper Studio 50% off . You can check out their other sales and visit their site HERE

Wow! This is incredible! In a week???? OMGOSH! He sounds like a pretty terrific son, and I bet he knows he has a Super-Mom!
Christie: Congrats to your son on his newly remodeled home. You and your husband (and other family members) did an amazing job - you should all be super proud of yourself! I'm not sure if I'm more impressed with you'all gett'er done in a week or.......staying within a KICK BUTT budget. WOW-You seriously are good at whatever you put your mind to. TFS!
I found my prize package in yesterday's mail. Thank you, Christy! What fun, and a great encouragement to try out your pop-dot-less method for adding dimension to projects. Thank you!!
What a great idea.... love it
What an awesome idea! I love that you used stuff we would normally keep in a "hope chest" to give to our kids later. This way everyone can enjoy them now! Love it!
This is terrific! What a fabulous piece. Thanks for sharing!
I really love how you added the mini toys inside... Brings back memories!
Christie! Once again you have gone above and beyond expectations. I love your video's and how you share your life and creations with everyone. I really love how you took the childhood toys and incorporated them into this design and really made it personal for your family. Keep up the great work, it is a pleasure to follow your blog!
Have a sunny day!
Linda Marino
Absolutely inspiring!!! Really, i mean it! Really!!! The house makeover is truly amazing. The colors you painted are just gorgeous and i love everything about it. thanks for sharing this whole thing with us. And I love your new "Toybox" Dee
You really did a great job! I kept saying I was going to make one but..... Whenever I do get to it, I sure hope it turns out as nice as yours.
This is wonderful!!! Wherever did you find the mini toys?
Oh it is wonderful. I remember all those toys, lol. The background images are great and the entire piece is sure to stop people in their tracks!
What a great idea for those of us who still have the kiddie toys around but no kids!
This is so cool. Where do you get all your mini's? I would love to make something like this but don't know where to look to find the really neat mini's. Thanks so much.
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