When I was working on the tags. I had trouble finding the right size of the memory capsules. I originally bought the size below but then found out that the corner piece wouldn't fit on top to make it look like a birdhouse. Rather than toss it I played around with some ideas with what to do with it. Some of them were to create an ornament out of it or to make it into a necklace (which is what obviously ended up happening). The opposite side I cut a Santa face off the cover of the paper pack that I was using for the backs of my tags. It was the perfect size for my 2 sided necklace. Trash to Treasure!!!
I never did find the 1" X 1"capsule that they had pictured on Tim's tag but I made do with a 1" X 3" one and just made it a bird house high rise. I like how everything turned out in the end!
I think the birdhouse high rise looks fab! Use what you have is always fun and makes us innovate! Great job!
I love the necklace, especially cool that you made it two sided! The covers of paper packs make awesome things because they're usually miniature versions of what's inside the pack of paper.
A highrise bird house looks just as cool, if not better! :) I like the two sided necklace too!
I love the birdhouse and the necklace. Real nice job.
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