I'm so sad there are only 2 days left of this years 12 days of Christmas. When I have all of my tags done I'm going to show you how I have them all displayed. I'm still working on it along with working on all of my tags. Let's give this cute little snowman a great name.
2010 Day 10 ... HO HO SNOW!
Name of Tags:
Day 10, 2010: "Winter's Ambassador"
Day 7, 2008: "A Chilly Winter"
Day 8, 2008: "Ornamental Christmas"
Day 11, 2008: "Snowing Tags"
Day 1, 2009: "Silhoulette Snowman"
Day 2, 2009: "Metallic Christmas"
Day 3, 2009: "Speckled Forest"
Day 3, 2009: "Sunset Santa"
From: Virginia Montagna, montagnava@aol.com
feeling frosty
Is he yet?
"Snow Beautiful"
Have no idea how to add a name to your tags, but when I looked at your cute Snowman today, looks like he is about to tip his hat so my name choice would be, HOWDY.
All your tags are very nice.
May I assk wht you do with them?
Thanks, teri
These tags are beautiful! Your snowman looks like a proper gent so I'll call him 'Mr.Icy" TFS, Mary M
"Seeing You Home for Christmas"
All your tags are beautiful. You are an inspiration.
Crystal J.
Frosty Christmas
thank you for sharing all your tags with us. They are all so inspiring. Suz
2010 day 10
snow much fun!
2010 Day 10 Frosty the Snowman
2010 Day 10
Where's my buttons?
this snowman one is one of my favorite this year. Wish I had the supplies and the time to do these as well.
2010 Day 10 (snowman) - Top o' the morn, Frosty
Day 10, 2010
Snowy Salute
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